Eastern Washington

Very interesting info. Please keep us posted on how your summer works out. We'll see what the phrase "just ducky" means. There's nothing cuter than a baby duck, I'm just not sure how cute I would think a bunch of ducks were messing up my water garden. So I'm going to want to know what breeds are the friendliest with humans, and how long do they live? I can't cull anything, so it's important for me to know how long I'll have to put up with it before it dies of natural causes. anyway, thanks!
Good job, Velvett!
Just so you know, I'm an upholsterer, and in the trade there are lots more men than women, and they aren't fem's either. So no worries, you little sew and sew! You're no less of a man than you were before! Uh, how did that sound?

Honestly, though, nice job! I had been wondering where you went
Good job, Velvett!
Just so you know, I'm an upholsterer, and in the trade there are lots more men than women, and they aren't fem's either. So no worries, you little sew and sew! You're no less of a man than you were before! Uh, how did that sound?

Honestly, though, nice job! I had been wondering where you went
I spend a lot of my BYC time on that other WA thread. I keep on this one, I just don't post here as much. But I was pretty proud of my self with that bag so I thought I'd come on here and brag a bit :)

Whiski, that's a good idea about the handles on the nesting boxes. That way if a broody girl won't get out, you can move it without having your face in hers when you pick it up. I haven't built mine yet, but that's what I'll do too. Did you re-plant your garden?
I havent replanted my garden yet. Not sure when I will. The soil is just too dense. Im gonna have to do container planting and buy the plants, containers, and soil.
Whiski, is that a little yellow chick right next to her mom's face? Oh so cute! Can't wait for more pics!
Sorry about your garden. I know how much work it is. I might skip the garden this year. Will have to see how busy the next couple of months are.
I purchased a used sewing machine. I wanted to make totes out of feed bags. At the risk of loosing my man-card, here is a picture of my first attempt.

Despite the concern about your man card you did a good job
. And i don't say that just because I have been contemplating doing this myself.
I am a man as well but am the only one in the house who knows how to use a sewing machine and has the inclination to use it. There are many "unmanly" things i do that could probably get my card pulled but it seems that I have always done what needed to get done irregardless of what gender has traditionally done said job. I remember my mom telling me as a young lad "I'll be d**ned if I have a male child who cannot sew a hem or put a button on his shirt". So it has always seemed a bit silly to me that we can only do things in our gender pool as it were. Keep on keepin' on.


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