Eastern Washington

oh she was just lovely!  so sorry hunny...
how are you feeling?  not much longer now... oh boy!!

things good here on the dry side... warm sunny days in the 90's... peas, pumpkins, zuccini, sunflowers all up.. yes, I planted zuccini on purpose... chickens growing like crazy and just beautiful!  Spider and earwig eating machines!

Have a great day everyone :cool:

Thanks. :) I'm feeling...okay. We're almost a month out from our due date, I'm struggling with heartburn and having trouble sleeping. Ready to not be pregnant anymore, though.
Hi everyone!
I haven't been on here in quite awhile, but I do follow this thread every morning like maggierose does, while we answer e-mail and stuff.

Whiski, I wouldn't be able to eat any of my pets either, even if I wasn't a vegetarian. Your photos are just beautiful! Thanks for sharing. Did you finally get your garden going this year?

I planted this week. Nothing is up yet, but should be fine. This 100 day growing season is pathetic.

Chae... I remember how tired I would get of everyone's well intended advice, but with your comment about not being pregnant anymore, well I just cannot seem to bite my tongue. You need to get all the rest you can, and enjoy all the little things like just jumping in the car to run someplace, Or enjoying quiet time,or even just going for a walk without carrying a bag containing everything baby might possibly need to be happy. The first month is no picnic, and I hope you'll have help. I don't know what I would have done without my mom. So anyway, good luck and whenever someone offers to lend you a hand, take them up on it!!! Also, I'm so sorry about Rosie.

Wonderful weekend to all!
Hi everyone!
I haven't been on here in quite awhile, but I do follow this thread every morning like maggierose does, while we answer e-mail and stuff. Whiski, I wouldn't be able to eat any of my pets either, even if I wasn't a vegetarian. Your photos are just beautiful! Thanks for sharing. Did you finally get your garden going this year? I planted this week. Nothing is up yet, but should be fine. This 100 day growing season is pathetic. Chae... I remember how tired I would get of everyone's well intended advice, but with your comment about not being pregnant anymore, well I just cannot seem to bite my tongue. You need to get all the rest you can, and enjoy all the little things like just jumping in the car to run someplace, Or enjoying quiet time,or even just going for a walk without carrying a bag containing everything baby might possibly need to be happy. The first month is no picnic, and I hope you'll have help. I don't know what I would have done without my mom. So anyway, good luck and whenever someone offers to lend you a hand, take them up on it!!! Also, I'm so sorry about Rosie. Wonderful weekend to all!
Oh, I'm enjoying all my quiet time and sleeping when I can, and being alone with my husband. But it hasn't been an easy or simple pregnancy, and I'm looking forward to not being constantly sick and being able to keep food down. I know it's going to be a big transition when baby is here, and difficult in ways I can't even imagine right now, but I'm just so tired of the nausea and vomiting and sciatica and dizziness, that I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore. Some women really like being pregnant, and that's great, but it's okay that I'm not one of them. Of course, it doesn't matter if I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore, baby will come when baby is ready.
Chae, I didn't know you've had such a rough time. Hopefully baby will make up for it by being one of those less demanding darlings. Keep us posted this next month. Best of everything to you.
The work never ends! Just wish some things would get completed!

It looks like summer has arrived again. At least it's more on the normal time of year for this weather instead of April! Way behind on planting some things. Hopefully we will still get some produce
I hear ya. Its never-ending here as well. We have a long list of things that need to get done around our place. Portions of our fencing needs replaced, we need to replace our old red hay barn, clean out the pig barn and turn it into a horse barn, split the pasture, fix the hot wire............ and lets not forget the normal things around here, mowing, watering, feeding, swapping horses out on the pasture, tending to the veggie garden, cleaning house......... the list goes on and on. My garden isnt doing too bad. The corn is growing great and my pupkins are doing pretty good. The tomatoes are looking decent but its too early to tell with the peppers and cucumbers. the melons didnt make it. Ill be replacing those this week. Going to try finding bigger plants at a nursery.
Oh, I'm enjoying all my quiet time and sleeping when I can, and being alone with my husband. But it hasn't been an easy or simple pregnancy, and I'm looking forward to not being constantly sick and being able to keep food down. I know it's going to be a big transition when baby is here, and difficult in ways I can't even imagine right now, but I'm just so tired of the nausea and vomiting and sciatica and dizziness, that I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore. Some women really like being pregnant, and that's great, but it's okay that I'm not one of them. Of course, it doesn't matter if I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore, baby will come when baby is ready.

praying for you, and hubby, and for little one's safe arrival... the sooner the better!
Well it looks like our chicken coop is too small! I have been brainstorming ways to expand it. After we lost all 3 if our pullets we got 9 more to make sure some survived..and now we have 8 happy, healthy little ladies & one lil dude. I think we're going to see how fun having a rooster is...especially now that we have an outdoor brooder setup!
Well it looks like our chicken coop is too small! I have been brainstorming ways to expand it. After we lost all 3 if our pullets we got 9 more to make sure some survived..and now we have 8 happy, healthy little ladies & one lil dude. I think we're going to see how fun having a rooster is...especially now that we have an outdoor brooder setup!
I love having my rooster. He is so kind and good with his 12 ladies. Very protective when they free range. Downside is that he takes them to the neighbors periodically and he knows better. I holler at him and tell him to get him girls home and he corrals them up and sulks back home...hahahaha. Such personality. I named Whiski Ranch after him.
I love having my rooster. He is so kind and good with his 12 ladies. Very protective when they free range. Downside is that he takes them to the neighbors periodically and he knows better. I holler at him and tell him to get him girls home and he corrals them up and sulks back home...hahahaha. Such personality. I named Whiski Ranch after him.

that's awesome Whiski! He sounds great...

turns out my Boo is a roo...
We can't have roosters in the city limits, so my friend is going to swap me my Boo for one of her Black Astrolorp (sp?) chicks. I'm hoping my girls mama instincts will win the day and there won't be a huge adjustment to losing Boo and taking on a new peep! Dang it anyway! Out of three chicks, one is a roo... oh well, it was great hand-raising him, and my friend is getting a beautiful roo for her girls to have sweet babies with!

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