Eastern Washington

Welcome fosterson! Your flock sounds lovely!

I could have some Easter-eager chicks available in the spring... I have a Cream Legbar roo (blue eggs) over cream Legbar, red-laced blue Wyandotte, light Sussex, and welsummer hens....the chicks should lay everything from blue to olive eggs. I don't typically sell chicks, but I will be setting some for myself this spring and coud certainly throw in some extras. Look me up in the spring if you are desperate (I am near Walla Walla). :)
Quote: hello
My Sussex hens seem to be laying right along with no issues. The RIRs were in full molt when I got them but they're gearing up again. I had 9 eggs out of 6 chickens on Thursday...go figure. Nice big brown eggs, too.

I'm talking to JFA in Brewster. They have some Icelandic hens and apparently that breed lays well through the winter and doesn't lay in the summer. I figure I could get a few of them and supplement my flock, as I want them primarily for eggs anyway.

I do wish I could find someone with some more Red Sussex. I have seen the Spotted ones but I really like the look of the Reds better!
Not really desperate BUT I hope to establish a breeding flock of EEs that I can experiment with for egg color and laying ability *rubs hands together like mad scientist he is inside*. I will be getting a couple when I get my Icelandics from JFA, but I'll keep you in mind if I think I need more diverse genetics right off the bat! (Or heck, just more colors of chickens...)
Anybody in Spokane want to go in with me on a bin of pumpkins? I usually get them and feed to naturally de-worm. They are listed on craigslist for $35 for a pallet and $5 for pallet charge.

If anyone would like to get a few please let me know so I can make arrangements.
I hear this HUGE kerfluffle in the hen house and go out to see what the problem is.

My two HUGE Sussex hens (they're about 8lbs each) and my wannabe rooster (a 6lb RIR) have all crammed themselves into one 12x12x12 nest box and are trying to lay at the same time.

I patiently move each bird to her own box.

No can do. Five minutes later they're all in the same blame box.

Is this normal chicken behavior or are my recycled hens just a bit light in the brains department?
I honestly wish I'd taken a photo! It was hysterical. But a few minutes after Queenie (the flock boss) laid and got out I heard another fuss, went out, and discovered Lavender (a red sex link of some derivation) trying to pull her comb off. Poor Queenie's in a state and Lavender has a date with my rehabilitation facility (aka the slow cooker). I knew I had a pecker in the flock but I caught Lavender bloody handed...er...beaked.
Man, I have offended the chicken gods or something.

Just heard a fuss, went out, and my neighbor's kids' yellow lab was IN MY COOP. And I'm missing an entire hen! Dang it, one of my best layers too....and if I can't find her by sundown, she's coyote chow.
Ugh. Still no sign of Stumpy (she was missing most of her tail feathers when I got her).

Here's a painful (for me) question. Anyone in the NCW area have a hen or two they'd be willing to send my way? Not picky about breed per se but I prefer colored egg layers. I'd be happy with older hens too.

I went from 6 to 4 hens rather unexpectedly and lost my best, most consistent layer to boot. Two of the other hens are now healing up from injuries and they're all freaked out. I sense there will be no eggs for a bit :p

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