Eastern Washington

Hey all! After the snow and bitter cold start, it sure has been a strangely warm winter these last few weeks. On the up side, the break in the weather convinced my hens to get over their moving stress and start laying. Getting eggs from 6 out of ten.... Just waiting on the 4 youngest. I dont have to buy eggs anymore. Yay!

My girls are already planning on the eggs i will be incubating this spring, and I am starting to plan out my garden plot, starting with the deer fence. Spring is a long way off still, but it is fun to start planning :)

Happy New Year to everyone!
Spring will be here before you know it so it's never too early to plan! With my bad health I should be working on that myself!
It is so nice not to buy eggs, isn't it? Haven't had to do it this year, but last winter we went a long time getting only 3 a day from the Leghorns as everyone else took a huge break.
My girls weathered the super cold of early December with flying colors. They are so happy that most of the snow is now gone, and are finally venturing out of their enclosed run and into their yard. They are such princesses when it comes to walking on the snow, lol.
Now waiting for them to decide to start laying again. Between the short days and 5 of the 7 in full molt, I'm glad I had a pretty good stockpile of eggs before they quit. I'm not bothering with a light for egg production, as their molting took care of that. But at least they are getting it out of the way over the winter! Can't believe they are keeping warm as naked as a some of them are. But they seem comfortable. How did everyone else fare through the cold we've had so far?
I love hearing how everyone is already thinking about spring! I'm very tempted to start looking for a couple of dark brown egg layers to add to the group. I laugh at myself when I think that 5 chickens was my limit and am now thinking if I keep it under 10 I'll be ok. Chicken Math Rules!
Spring really will be here before we know it. The days are getting longer already and we don't have any snow cover. Hopefully soon though. We're going to need it for irrigation, and also I have many plants depending on snow cover for insulation.
I've got two extremely docile Brahma's, and I want to keep them both. They were brooded together, and at least for now are totally in love with each other. I have three females also, and have read that sometimes only the dominant male will crow and mate. Sounds like a frustrating life for the other, so am thinking about getting a few more female chicks this spring. Here's my question; Has anyone ever regretted getting extras? I don't eat them, won't re-home them to anyone who says they'll be their dinner, and don't let them free range(at least not yet). I have a very large coop and run, so space is not a problem. It's just that I seem to over do everything, so am wondering if I should just find a new home for one of the boys and be thankful for what I've got. Any regrets?
Palchick, I only wanted five also and set that as my limit. To order chicks, it's like a six chick minimum, so then I'd have eleven. I just don't want to make a mistake and wind up like those ladies who somehow accumulate a hundred cats, ya know?
The other issue is this; I'd like a couple of Dark Brahma's, because I already have two Buff, and one Light. Problem is, Ideal Poultry won't have them until mid July, so I need to make up my mind soon, or they'll all be gone.
Any ideas?

Edit to say that the two docile Brahmas are both males.
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Spring really will be here before we know it. The days are getting longer already and we don't have any snow cover. Hopefully soon though. We're going to need it for irrigation, and also I have many plants depending on snow cover for insulation.
I've got two extremely docile Brahma's, and I want to keep them both. They were brooded together, and at least for now are totally in love with each other. I have three females also, and have read that sometimes only the dominant male will crow and mate. Sounds like a frustrating life for the other, so am thinking about getting a few more female chicks this spring. Here's my question; Has anyone ever regretted getting extras? I don't eat them, won't re-home them to anyone who says they'll be their dinner, and don't let them free range(at least not yet). I have a very large coop and run, so space is not a problem. It's just that I seem to over do everything, so am wondering if I should just find a new home for one of the boys and be thankful for what I've got. Any regrets?
Palchick, I only wanted five also and set that as my limit. To order chicks, it's like a six chick minimum, so then I'd have eleven. I just don't want to make a mistake and wind up like those ladies who somehow accumulate  a hundred cats, ya know?
The other issue is this; I'd like a couple of Dark Brahma's, because I already have two Buff, and one Light. Problem is, Ideal Poultry won't have them until mid July, so I need to make up my mind soon, or they'll all be gone.
Any ideas?

I've got 12 boys right now. All of them mate and crow. The suggested ratio is 1/10-12, fwiw.

I don't think one can have too many chickens. :D. ;)
Tikkijane, Do you really have 30+ hens? I'm not planning to sell hatching eggs, just keep my flock happy, and I think with large fowl Brahmas is's okay to have fewer, like 4 or 5:1. It doesn't much matter anyway, my main concern is possibly having regrets later on. Thanks for taking the time to respond. Welcome to the Eastern Washington thread. Did you recently move here? Anyway, welcome aboard!
Tikkijane, Do you really have 30+ hens? I'm not planning to sell hatching eggs, just keep my flock happy, and  I think with large fowl Brahmas is's okay to have fewer, like 4 or 5:1. It doesn't much matter anyway, my main concern is possibly having regrets later on. Thanks for taking the time to respond.  Welcome to the Eastern Washington thread. Did you recently move here? Anyway, welcome aboard!

I do. :) I have 14 bantams (9 of which are boys- 5 silkies, 3 cochins and a mille fleur d'Uccle); 37 lf girls + 3 lf males, and then 14 guineas.

I'm in NC right now, after moving here a year ago from NM. Hunny's work has him in Sunnyside/Yakima are for probably 2 years, but we're letting it settle beforecqe decide to move. Lots of variables- if they want another move in 2 years, we'll stay here until then. Either way, my guys are headed that way probably next week, and I'll be making trips out to look at housing/property at some point.

This time, I am planning on moving the chickens....... we'll see.....
Tikkijane,Wow, that would be something to see... all those chickens packing their bags for a move to Yakima! It gets pretty cold there, but at least it's dry, so they would be fine. What a long trip though. Best of luck to you
I ordered my three girls from My Pet Chicken. My minimum order was six, but three didn't survive the trip. M.P.C. was WONDERFUL!!! I couldn't have asked for more in a hatchery, except maybe some Dark Brahmas, which they don't sell. Only the Buff and Lights. I might check into the local feed store idea.Thanks!

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