Eastern Washington

pips&peeps :

I've got ameraucanas! Just outside of the valley.

I don't suppose you plan on having chicks to rehome in mid-February? As long as they're healthy...lol. My current plan is to get some Araucanas (I figure they're really EE's) from Aslin-Finch, but they don't plan on having any before the middle of March. Other than that...I just want to find other people with chickens in my area to maybe buy eggs from (eating ones).

This page moves a little slower, but I get so lost in the other WA one...

ETA: EE comment.​
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I've got ameraucanas! Just outside of the valley.

I don't suppose you plan on having chicks to rehome in mid-February? As long as they're healthy...lol. My current plan is to get some Araucanas (I figure they're really EE's) from Aslin-Finch, but they don't plan on having any before the middle of March. Other than that...I just want to find other people with chickens in my area to maybe buy eggs from (eating ones).

This page moves a little slower, but I get so lost in the other WA one...

ETA: EE comment.

We just get chatting on the other WA page....but it is fun. Post your request at the end of it...It is not necessary to read through everything....alot of our conversation is just chit-chat between people....feel free to just drop a comment at the end...see who replies. There are some very knowledgable people on the group. (not me though).
oh silly--you are too knowledgable
I've got ameraucanas! Just outside of the valley.

I don't suppose you plan on having chicks to rehome in mid-February? As long as they're healthy...lol. My current plan is to get some Araucanas (I figure they're really EE's) from Aslin-Finch, but they don't plan on having any before the middle of March. Other than that...I just want to find other people with chickens in my area to maybe buy eggs from (eating ones).

This page moves a little slower, but I get so lost in the other WA one...

ETA: EE comment.

My birds are going to be way more than what you can get at Aslin..... but if you want some, I will hatch.
Ha, I figured as much.
That's kind of why I was asking if you had already planned on some. I think I can wait for the cheap cheeps...but thought I'd ask anyway, lol.

As far as the other posting goes...I do pop in from time to time, but everyone seems to be on the other side and I'm fairly lost as far as knowing which towns are near me. I moved here 3.5 years ago after spending 27 years living in Oregon! I know Cheney and Deer Park are fairly close, but other than that I'm lost! When we first moved here (SO grew up in Spokane), I was still going to college and my prof. in Microbiology asked some question about the minerals in the lake, turned loked at me and expected an answer! To which I told him that I had just moved here 2 weeks ago (at that time) and he bawled me out for not doing my research! Of course, he was a pompous jerk that should have been fired for all the crap he pulled in my class... And back to my point...things get lost there before I can see an answer or shortly there after, lol.

And don't mind my BYC page...it's more of an ongoing thought process in an easy for me to access spot. But feel free to send me any suggestions if you wanna.
Well, I am closer - I am in Omak (half way to the other side)....Jen (Jbear) is originally from our side of the mountians (more the Methow area) and ChickenLady used to live over here....but many moons ago.

edited because I feel brainless this time of night.....Rare Feather Farms is here in Okanogan, she has some nice birds and is very knowledgable.

And Jen....thank you....but as far as birdies, I am still learning. There is no way I would go up against Illia, CL or CR or RainWolf on brain stuff about birdies.
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I've got ameraucanas! Just outside of the valley.

I don't suppose you plan on having chicks to rehome in mid-February? As long as they're healthy...lol. My current plan is to get some Araucanas (I figure they're really EE's) from Aslin-Finch, but they don't plan on having any before the middle of March. Other than that...I just want to find other people with chickens in my area to maybe buy eggs from (eating ones).

This page moves a little slower, but I get so lost in the other WA one...

ETA: EE comment.

I will probably have a black marans hen i can let go in march.. have several black, black coppers and blue coppers coming up they should be laying age around march.. will drop you a line once they mature and i start culling ;-)
Help me share the joy of chickens, my Eastern Washington friends! My daughter's elementary school (Sunrise) in the Spokane Valley is having a Science Fair Presenters Night January 27th. Adults set up booths representing the many difference sciences with displays and hands on activities for the kids and their parents. My husband and I are both meteorologists by profession, but the National Weather Service will already have a booth set up---so I thought maybe I would put one together about "backyard" or "urban" chicken raising (agricultural science). I would of course have a huge 3 panel posterboard display with all the usual info about the benefits of raising chickens (fresh eggs, great pets, free fertilizer/insect control). But of course the best part would be having one or more of my girls there for the kids to see and pet. The other big part of my display (and this is hopefully where some of you might be able to help me out) is that I'd like to have an egg carton full of all the different colored eggs we get from our chickens. I think most people believe there are only "white" and "brown". I have 3 EEs, but only one has just started laying and I'm getting beautiful olive colored eggs. Maybe I'll get lucky and get blue or pink from the other two who should be laying any day now. I was just wondering, for those of you who live in the Spokane/Coeur d'Alene area.....would you be willing to donate an egg or two so I could have the full range of colored eggs represented for my display? I think people would find it fascinating to see all the shades of eggs. I'd be willing to come by and pick up the eggs a day or two before the event. Also, if anyone has any educational material that I could hand out or perhaps would even like to be part of the presentation---that would be awesome! The event runs from 5:30pm-8pm Thursday evening on the 27th.

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