Eastern Washington

I would totally consider going to Salem but not sure how I could swing it. I'm def going to look into it. I would just be going for fun but isn't that the reason for all things chicken?! :)
RareFeathers~ I have talked myself out of trying to hatch eggs this fall. I think it would be spring though for sure. I'd love to get French Copper Marans and more Easter Eggers. I have found I have a serious interest in egg colors.
I still haven't come up with a venue for Wenatchee Swap but am still thinking.
I have a Muscovy, some African geese and some BLRW bantams that need a ride south...I can wait until Thanksgiving when I'm going to Portland but didn't want to have to wait that long...or have a screaming 1.5 year old in the car with honking geese, crowing roosters and smelly poultry! LOL
Hey there! I haven't been active on here on a really long time due to several circumstances, but I have been at several shows and I still breed my Seramas. I'm in Chelan, by the way. What's this about a Wenatchee swap? I'm very out of the loop.
Also, my brother is looking for show quality light Brahma standards. Anyone have any?
Can anyone help me on this thread? I am in walla Walla and am looking for a place that will butcher a turkey for me. I am willing to travel to tri-cities. Phinney's closed down and I don't know where to go.
thanks so much.
Can anyone help me on this thread? I am in walla Walla and am looking for a place that will butcher a turkey for me. I am willing to travel to tri-cities. Phinney's closed down and I don't know where to go.
thanks so much.
I was told about a lady in Benton City who is a WSDA approved poultry and rabbit processor. I believe if you go to craigslist.org and pick Kennewick-Richland-Pasco and maybe type "poultry" their ad will come up. Can't remember if they listed turkeys, though.
We are getting our first chicken coop ready and we have been doing a lot of research over the last year as we prepare to start rearing chickens. We have decided that we would like to go with the Buff Orplingtons and I am wondering if most Eastern WA feed stores carry these in the spring or if there is a particular place I should look for them? Ordering online wont work for us because we only need a few. Thanks!

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