EcoGlow Chick Brooder

So i'm getting ready to order my brooders but am wondering if the smaller one will really work for 17 chicks for the number of weeks they need supplemental heat? I think the smaller one will be fine for our 10 ducklings. But i'm just really unsure about fitting 17 chicks under the same size? But at the same time my funds are kinda limited and i have no idea how many years it will be before we use these again so i don't want to spend a fortune. I'm also not too sure the larger one will fit in the brooder ihad planned to use. So you all think the smaller one will be fine? I can always add a heat lamp if i have to.

If you can afford the larger one, I would go with it.

It's like a chicken coop . . . can never be too big.

The smaller one will house 17 chicks (I've had as many as 18).

They also do not ALL have to be directly underneath the brooder.

Most often some will be underneath and some will be sleeping just outside the brooder.

As they get bigger, they kind of spill out of the sides anyway, but they still stay warm from their body heat.

I've never had a problem with the EcoGlow and will always highly recommend it.

I'd love it if you joined me on my chicken Facebook page!

I just received my SECOND EcoGlo 20 tonight and am going to use if for my bator babies in about a week!! Love this product.
Definately get one we have the eco glow 50, And if your gonna get one buy direct from brinsea tehy have the best price anyway! watch for thier specials and you can get it on sale, Like thier Facebook page and you will know when they are gonna run a sale. My chicks just love the eco glow. the electric savings is really great too. We are gonna order 3 more for our other brooders!

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Count me as another supporter of the ecoglow!
We got 3 chicks.

Then a week later we added 13 more.

When they were really little, I had a clear bin so I could lie down and peek under the ecoglow. *shame*

Sorry! I am new at this and my first reply looks totally random!
I was saying, so you have 16 under the EcoGlow 20? I was wondering if 20 would really be able to fit under it ok? Your babies are so cute!!!
At first they probably could but they grow very quicky and as they grow, they need less and less heat. I find that they do not all stay underneath it at the same time.
i am so excited i ran into this thread! i was waffling on whether or not to get one of these and you all have made up my mind! I am going to order one right away! I am having so much fun getting things ready for my lil ones! Thanks everyone
Since I switched to using Eco Glows, my chicks seem to be less shy. I believe it is because they have a "safe place" to go to. Also, there has been no sign of pasty butt! My last batch spent too much time directly under the heat lamp and had to be cleaned up constantly.
I'm super excited to try ours out. The suspense of waiting for the chicks and ducklings to arrive is getting to me and i still have 7 weeks left to wait. I got one out last night to show my DH and he thought they were a great idea. I'm just hoping that the ducklings all fit under it ok. Since i've never had ducklings before i'm not sure if the different breeds will all the able to use the same height setting at the same time or not? And if not, will the shorter one's be warm enough if it's on a higher setting?
Since I switched to using Eco Glows, my chicks seem to be less shy. I believe it is because they have a "safe place" to go to. Also, there has been no sign of pasty butt! My last batch spent too much time directly under the heat lamp and had to be cleaned up constantly.

That would be great if it eliminated pasty butt. I've never had it happen but always worry about it.

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