Edit: 5 1/2 week old pics(pg4)Barred Rock "baby"

Once she starts laying it ll be different. Every time you feed or bring treats try calling chicky chicky chick or whatever you want and they'll start running when then they hear that as they get older. Thanks to foxes I only have 2 br roos and no hens till next year but they are the gentlest roos and the best guards of the property. Let me knowwhen anything is there that shouldn't be always treated the ladies and chicks good. Imo I would reccomend and have on several occasions this breed to anyone. My hens were very good layers and broodies also.
aww and it's funny you say that about calling and coming.. I shake dried meal worms and call them.. she has been the first one to run up! Hopefully she will give in to loves soon.. think she gets the most yet acts like she is scared to death of us any other time! lol.. that and she is my flier! ALWAYS gotta fly! It's so much fun watching all their personalities develop!
Baby turns 6 weeks tomorrow!! Is she still looking like a she?

Enjoying watermelon in the new coop with her siblings!
Baby will be 11 weeks old on Wednesday! Here is her latest pics! She is such a sweetie!!! Since she hasn't laid an egg yet I am still scared she is a he.. so of course fingers are crossed until the day they lay or crow!


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