... Its nasty cold with that wind slicing. Do you cover them every year? I am so glad we replaced almost all the windows here, the big one in the livingroom is horrible and so cold, but that is gonna be costly
you were worried about looking like a bad person? She was probably thinking,,,, no one buys a bottle of jack this small!! muwhahhhahhaa
I never got around to covering them last year. But the ones in my room were still covered from the year before. You know last year was a fairly warm winter. This year, I rearranged the house in such a way that I sleep in front of a window, and when I'm in the living room, my chair is next to one. I swear I feel a breeze all day and all night. With my husband taking more and more money, I can't afford to heat the house with all this cold air coming in. There actually was another size of Jack that was smaller. The idea of spending $65 on Jack after the other big bottles seemed too "I am an alcoholic!" After she laughed at the baby paraphernalia. Had I had Duckling with me, it would've been worse. Fortunately, I convinced her father to let her stay in the van with him.
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I don't know...he didn't get the boot 'cause he was a model citizen

Yeah, he's always been a bit dicey. He's not as bad now that he has no girls though, so I can reach in w/o getting pecked.

Oh, ok! :thumbsup

Trying to integrate a full grown roo in this crazy flock of mine would result in bloodshed....
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