I was just telling Ralphie that when we chuck Texas onto that island that we'd pull you out of it... You're the one decent city person.

Awwwww..... :hugs

Never heard of her, sorry.

Not sure why, but I seem to miss a few "in between posts" every time I post and someone has posted while I was typing. Argh. :he

1. I'm sorry about your migraine. They're a whole bucket of no fun. :hugs

2. 'cos I'm a wuss, that's why. I'll kill them, I've done that before, but I don't like doing something I don't know how to do all by myself. Like turning them from a dead bird into something tasty. I'm afraid I'll do something wrong and ruin it. :oops:
The one I'm eyeballing is 11 months old, so still young.
3. She's gonna be in so much trouble when CC comes back... I can't wait for it. :pop
Even if he doesn't, my bad-spelling-o-meter will hit the red soon and I'll start correcting everything.

4. Great job on the canning!

As far as skinning goes, 11 months may be too old, especially if he has been running around. But you could try.

Are you worried about eviscerating right? What's been your trouble? Do you need me to talk you through it? There are also good videos.

You're a country gal at heart that is stuck in the city. You don't scream if you get mud on your boots. :lol:

:clap But you know, much of San Antonio is like that. SOOOOO much better than living on the east coast, IMHO. People around here have trucks and boots because they NEED trucks and boots. And mow the lawn in a cowboy hat. :rolleyes:
As far as skinning goes, 11 months may be too old, especially if he has been running around. But you could try.

Are you worried about eviscerating right? What's been your trouble? Do you need me to talk you through it? There are also good videos.

:clap But you know, much of San Antonio is like that. SOOOOO much better than living on the east coast, IMHO. People around here have trucks and boots because they NEED trucks and boots. And mow the lawn in a cowboy hat. :rolleyes:
He's been running around like a demon breeding hens left and right. The booger takes down my 8yr old hen every 10 minutes. She's taken to running to me for protection whenever I come outside.... He's now locked up where he can't be a pest.

Oh, I dunno, just fear of the unknown, I guess... I'm like that. I spend 3+ months researching everything and still manage to make hash out of everything the first time around.

Eviscerating correctly is a large part of it. Chaos' explanation didn't help much. :lol:
That's partly why I think starting with something like quail would be easier... Smaller, so easier to made dead, and you just pull the breast meat out instead of worrying about gutting.

I'd be a lot more willing to do it if I was able to snag someone to help me. I'm going to have to ask around.
She's also known as Shania Twain. I hadn't heard of her either before Ralphie started mooning over her.
Well, now....Eileen really being Shania Twain puts a whole 'nuther light on the situation. If nothing else, he has good taste. She's very likely Canada's premier export.
He's been running around like a demon breeding hens left and right. The booger takes down my 8yr old hen every 10 minutes. She's taken to running to me for protection whenever I come outside.... He's now locked up where he can't be a pest.

Oh, I dunno, just fear of the unknown, I guess... I'm like that. I spend 3+ months researching everything and still manage to make hash out of everything the first time around.

Eviscerating correctly is a large part of it. Chaos' explanation didn't help much. :lol:
That's partly why I think starting with something like quail would be easier... Smaller, so easier to made dead, and you just pull the breast meat out instead of worrying about gutting.

I'd be a lot more willing to do it if I was able to snag someone to help me. I'm going to have to ask around.
Good videos would also help, if my computer played them right. I can't figure out why, but it plays them at double speed and without sound. I suppose I could drag my tablet out of storage, but I hate that thing. :tongue

I never said we would send all of Texas to the island. Just the parts I listed...

I also told her you could move before Island residency became mandatory...NO ONE ELSE THOUGH!!!

Thank for the picture of The Future Mrs Ralphie... I just love her bank accounts!

Plucking is way easier than skinning, I just throw them in my little machine let them whirl for 15 seconds and they are plucked free of all feathers...

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