EE chicks with GREEN LEGS...Questions??***PICS***

THat being said....I have both EEs and Ameraucanas, and I love them all, but my EEs are my VERY best layers! Enjoy your EEs, cowsgomoo!
Green legs indicate the presence of the yellow skin gene.
As most chickens with yellow skin lay brown eggs, your EE will probably lay a green or greenish blue egg (brown layered over blue). It could lay blue eggs or even brown eggs though, it depends on what genes it got from the parents.

The green color shows more on what would be slate legs otherwise. Black tends to hide the green more.
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Just wanted to jump on the EE love bandwagon. My EEs lay like crazy. 6 eggs a week apiece until winter, then 4 eggs apiece all winter. Moult was over with in two weeks, now they're ramping back up. Can't ask for better hens.
I have one EE (well, two, but not counting her since I created her from my BR/Ameraucana). She lays jumbo eggs, much larger than most of my true Ameraucanas. They are a true green rather than a blue-green or green-blue, but they are beautiful shape and size. EEs are wonderful, fun birds. And I adore my Ameraucanas, who are among the friendliest birds I own.

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