EE pullet weird breathing or groaning?


10 Years
May 14, 2009
Nashville, TN
I have an EE pullet named Daisy. She just laid her first egg day before yesterday. I saw her on the nest box this morning, so I figured egg #2 was on its way. I went out a few minutes ago and, sure enough, her little green egg was in the box. But I heard a weird noise coming from someone and it turned out to be her. It's hard to describe. It's not really wheezing or groaning, but it's rhythmic like it's related to her breathing. Her eyes are clear and not swollen. Her nostrils are clean. She's not breathing through her mouth. I didn't see any signs of strange poop. I gave scratch to see if she would be interested. She did eat eagerly (while still making the weird "breathing" sound). I think I may have heard her sneeze a couple of times. It was a little high-pitched noise I assume was a sneeze. I don't really know what a sneeze would sound like honestly.

Obviously my biggest concern is a dreaded respiratory contagion that would harm everybody. Am I jumping ahead since she doesn't have other signs? Any thoughts? I've had chickens since last April and I've never had anyone sick. I've had Daisy since she was 3 days old. She's always been pretty far down on the pecking order and on the small side, but she's always been healthy.
I would separate her immediately - if you ARE dealing with respiratory, you sure don't want the others to get sick! Do you have a dog crate or an area you can move her to?
Okay, I put her in one of my large brooders in the basement. I was worried she would be too cold in the tractor alone with nobody to snuggle. As soon as she got settled in the brooder, the noise lessened and almost went away. She started drinking and eating crumble immediately. Then I fixed her a scrambled egg and plain yogurt to give her a boost, and now she's gobbling it down.

Should I just watch her for a day or two and see if there's a change? Any advice?

With respiratory infections, how quickly would they start to show other symptoms (i.e. swollen/runny eyes/nose)?

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