Eek! Just lost power with 30 chicks, 4 days old!


10 Years
Jan 27, 2009
middle Tennessee
So far they seem to be doing OK. Thank goodness it's not cold weather! I covered the brooder with blankets, making sure obviously that they have gaps for air, put several (very tightly covered) bowls of hot water in there wrapped in towels, some extra towels for cuddling purposes, and one of those athletic heat wrap things wrapped in a towel as well. One weak one I've been keeping an eye on is pressed up against a bowl of hot water and I think I'll take that one out in a minute and keep her close to me for warmth, but the others don't distressed so far. I'll keep close watch and switch out hot water as needed. Any other suggestions? I didn't post in emergency because they seem OK so far, so I hope this was an OK place to post this. This is one of the many times I'm very thankful to be able to stay at home with my very young daughter!!!
Whew! Thank goodness it just did and wasn't out too terribly long. The 29 healthy ones are still huddled by a hot water bowl but the lamp is back on so I'm sure it won't take them long to warm up again, just hope they didn't catch any chills they can't recover from. This little one I'm holding is worrying me, but she was already so weak- I'm trying to make her drink and eat a little yogurt but I just don't think she'll be able to pull out of it. Poor tiny thing.

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