Egg bound - how to break the egg

Things have not improved with my poor hen. I talked to a couple of vets (non-poultry) this morning. They recommended what I've already done (warm bath, massage, etc.) and definitely did not recommend breaking the egg. One of them said to just wait this out - give it another day or so. Julia did make another heroic effort to pass the egg this morning but so far, no success. Tissue is moist. I did manage to get a good load of manure out of her. There is no way that egg is coming out for me without doing tremendous damage to her. So I've put her back in the dark box on the heating pad. I can hear her continuing to strain so she hasn't given up yet. I literally sick to my stomach about this. I didn't sleep at all last night.
Is there something that would soften the egg? Maybe ask the vet. Doesn't vinegar soften them? It would be worth the effort. I was afraid I was going to rip her but luckily it didn't.

ETA: I looked and vinegar softens the shell...just don't know about in the hen but if that egg doesn't come out then she is going to die.
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I feel so bad for your little girl! Sorry, I read "North shore of Lake Erie" and assumed michigan.....stupid I know. Anywho, I called MSU extension and they filtered me through a series of campus phone numbers.

MSU Poultry Farm (517) 355-0360
Suggested lubricating the vent area to try and help it pass. They also gave me a # of a vet that specializes in poultry, perhaps at the least he would be someone who is familiar with birds and could answer questions over the phone....may even have contacts in other states that specialize in avian species.

his name is Dr. Mic Folton (no idea if I spelled it right)
(517) 353-3701

I know this isn't much, but sometimes it just helps to talk to people.... Best wishes for you and your girl!
We lost the battle with Julia. I spoke to a couple of vets this morning and there really wasn't any chance of a positive resolution for her.
I was so afraid of that. I am so sorry. No one could have done any more than you did. Since this was a repeat for her it is probably for the best.
You did the best you could by her! With all the recent interest is poultry as an urban/mainstream companion we really need to petition our local vetrinary doctors to brush up on their avian science! It would be nice if they would respect our birds as every bit a part of our lives as our dogs and cats. And not just lowly farm animals that are fodder for the stewing pot.

I hope you have better days to come. I am sorry for your loss!
I am so so sorry. This is upsetting even to me, so you must be so tired AND upset. I just hate it when I can't make it all better. I'm sure you did all you could. Blessings.
So sorry for you, we all hoped it would end better.

So now, have a good sleep tonight, and when your eggs hatch find the prettiest one and call her Julia in honor of your little one.
Feel better, you did all you could.

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