Egg colour

can anyone tell me why my lavender Araucana who has always laid blue eggs is now laying white ones? ‍♀️
Usually birds that lay colored eggs over time the eggs will get lighter in color. I have had blue egg layers that over time the egg appears white but if you put it up against a real white egg you can see the blue.
They are definitely from her as my other Araucana lays olive green eggs. She seemed to start this following worming but I am not sure if that is just coincidence
My hens used to lay very, very blue eggs. So blue that sometimes they looked fake. They got lighter as time went on. They are still very pretty though. My hens are a year and a few months.
My Ameraucana hens used to lay very very blue eggs. So blue, they looked fake sometimes. As time went on, they got lighter, but are still very pretty. My hens are a year and three months old.
My four year old hens' eggs have gotten much lighter over the years... from a dark brown to nearly white. (I don't have any blue egg laying hens yet only some 3 week olds... can't wait to see my first blue egg!!)
They are definitely from her as my other Araucana lays olive green eggs. She seemed to start this following worming but I am not sure if that is just coincidence

Araucana don't lay olive eggs. Chances are the birds you have were misrepresented as araucana.
Egg color can change as a laying cycle progresses.

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