Egg Flag Contest! (Ends June 18th)

I’m in the same boat. Even if they were to produce enough eggs to make this masterpiece, there eggs are all white 😂
Aw man. :(
You can invite people you know who have a lot of color variety in their eggs.
I hoping to get at least a few pictures of flags! :fl
Mine are all basically the same shade of brown.. It would be hard to make a flag unless I painted the eggs.
I guess you can do that. Anyway it's not like everyone has so many assorted colors as some people. I just prefer natural. I'd like to see what painted (dyed?) eggs would look like in a flag.
With only 5 layers and 2 hungry young adults in the house I never have enough eggs to do something like this, but I can't wait to see the egg flags.
Can you and @Lemon-Drop be judges with me? Just start a conversation with me at judging time and tell me who you vote for.

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