Egg Thief Surveillance

Another late-night intruder,

I think this is the same one from last night... he stuck around for <10 minutes again, then gave up.
You should give him a name like BEN.
And knowing he had to leave hungry makes me
Still no eggs! My girls are slacking off so bad this week! That or they're laying out in the pen and the eggs are getting stolen from there... Might have to move the camera... Either way, our regular intruder was back, and took his sweet time scrounging for food this time! He and the ducks seem to all avoid each other, but I never see any frantic exits, so it doesn't seem like anyone is scaring anyone else? Hard to say.

9:18 - 9:22 : Duck feeding frenzy!

9:34 - 10:55 : Fat Ben snuffles around the house

11:40 - 12:30 : Ducks return to see if the bowl has filled itself. They are hugely disappointed

1:30 : Fat Ben returns to see if any more food has been scattered. He too is disappointed.

1:30 - 1:37 : Ducks check for food

1:38 - 3:05 : Fat Ben checks for food

8:45 : Wednesday takes a selfie

9:28 : Ezri has a floof on her snoot
Day 5 of surveillance, and still no eggs to be stolen! Starting to wonder if my girls are laying them somewhere else during the day... I might have to do a sweep of the orchard

Half a second after I filled their food bowl, and they've already scattered pellets everywhere. THIS IS WHY WE HAVE INTRUDERS, DUCKS!

Duck butts!

Fat Ben is back. He doesn't stick around long tonight; the ducks must have cleaned up better than they did yesterday

Peeking duck (I'm so sorry, I couldn't help myself

The camera sure is interesting today

My three youngest (Ezri, Zoe, and Impa) seem to be having an egg hunt of their own today

What's all the interest in the nest? Are you thinking about laying soon?

Pretty sure there's nothing worth having in the cinder blocks, Ezri.

A new guest!

"I hear this house is for feeding of burbs?"
STILL NO EGGS! I don't know what's going on with them, but no one is laying right now. In case it was the camera upsetting them, I moved it outside the house to face where I suspect the intruders are getting in and out. I'm also looking for some kind of rodents repellant I can put out to dissuade the rats, but that's proving a little more difficult than I had expected...

Duck buuuutttttttts!

Fat Ben is back

And he's got a girlfriend!

It's kind of romantic, except I don't want them in my duck house!

Duck smiles

And this guy's back!
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