Egg Turner? ( 0% Hatch)


8 Years
Sep 16, 2011
My previous hatch I had a 90% hatch rate. This hatch I decided to go out and get an automatic egg turner. It had been working properly, the eggs had all looked great. After the 2nd week I stopped candling.

Yesterday was the hatch date. After not hearing any noises from the eggs or eggs turning I got worried and candled a few. They seemed to all have quit growing at the 2 week mark. I had done everything exactly the same as last hatch except for the new egg turner.

Humidity was correct, temperature was a constant 99.5°F with no interruptions.


Could this be why I had a 0% hatch? Any input/thoughts would be helpful! I am planning on trying a smaller hatch but this time by hand turning.
Maybe there was a malfunction in the incubator overnight that you didnt see

Next time just try hand turning. I noticed that I always get a smaller hatch rate with those automatic turners. They just don't do it right i guess.
Interesting you point this out! I've had 5 eggs (out of 86 - that I've candled so far - day 21) that quit after 16 days. I've never had any that died halfway through. The only thing different this time was tilting the incubator rather than hand turning them. With 86, it would have taken me far too long to turn them all 5 times a day, so I thought tilting was best.
Well I guess it is the turner! :( Time to go back to hand turning.

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