Egg Yolk Peritonitis -- 20 month old Rhode Island Red.

I use to do lots of cross country skiing when I was younger in NB. Same weather you would have. We live now where it mostly rains cold rain in BC. We got 5in of snow today. I miss that too, only for short times is good. :) So I don't ski anymore, I miss it. :( It is very sad the kids had to see him going on like that. Wish people would think about their approach. Try not to let it ruin the fun your family tried to have. Some people are board with life and need to pick on others.

The trick is to get the bugs before maturing. They say they are worse in the winter months.

Looking forward to see Rose's picture. :)
Wow 10-11 years. Great job on that pwand. Fabulous!

As well researched as I think I am, I am making errors with them. Their diet, which I knew in the back of my head; I might have kept them under light for too long in their younger years...developing their reproductive system before their time. I'm second guessing myself on that one. But the things I know I've done right by them is letting them free range. Gosh I love that I can do that for them spring, summer, fall. Our winter is so long though and the below zeros are hard on us all.

Try not to beat yourself up with how things were done. Its all a learning experience that we continually learn and it doesn't mean that any of this would have caused this with Rose. There is also a lot of different breeds that are predisposed to this and I think Rosie is one of these breeds. I think its the protein in their diet that is more concerning, making them bigger that could premature them into laying to early. If Calcium too is added I believe has this affect of immature laying. I hope this makes since. We had a feed store sell us meat bird grower for our chicks and learned the extra protein wasn't good for them, they told us they would be fine. I had one bird at least a 1lb bigger than the other two. I later went to another feed store and bought what was appropriate. Wasn't to impressed and that was all they would carry. I had called the company and he was surprised at that.
I lost a chicken due to egg peritonitis, her name was Rocky, she was a Black Rock, and only 3 years old :( I miss her. Unfortunately we caught it too late and she only survived two days after the trip to the vet :(

Here she is this morning. Settling into her routine with me I guess. Or just warming up those poor little toes after our walk in. She did act like they were cold prior to nestling down on them.

Also one other thing about her, although she is drowsy, her poops seem to be normal with brownish coloring and not as much fluid. I'm encouraged by this but the sleepiness is tell-tale of her struggle I feel. And you are correct...she is on SpeckledHen's list of breeds that are problematic for EYP. Too bad as they are such a nice breed. I'm thinking about some hatching eggs from a breeder here in MN for Buckeyes. They look a lot like the RIR's and I guess similar likable personalities. She has heritage quality and hopefully be less prone to this genetic tendency. Interesting too, these smart BYC people: Two Crows mills her own feed for her birds because she does not trust commercial feed to keep her birds in adequate nutrition for longer years. What feeds did you you use with your 10-11 year old bird? Obviously you did something right there, pwand.

Thanks as always for your gentle reassurances pwand. I think you are very correct in that it is always a learning thing with the chickens. Sometime the curve is steeper for some than others. LOL. And I'll admit I'm toughest on myself. Sounds like we have much in common with Camping and Skiing. A friend of mine lives in Portland Oregon and she was posting lots of snow pics here recently on facebook. Enjoy the white stuff while you can. I suppose it can be quite sticky out there with the moderate temps and beaucoup moisture though.

I've got it marked on my calendar to dust them again on the18th. After these nits hatch but before they breed and lay eggs.

BuffBuff: I am so sorry for the loss of your bird. We are preparing ourselves mentally around here to not have Rose's sweet purrs and personality gracing us. She is a favorite of ours. The most social of all our birds. It's never easy this stuff, is it? RIP sweet Rocky.
She is so sweet, it too bad she is struggling. The poop sure shows how well they are.

I have always used the store layers vegetable feed. No by products. I would give them our vegetable scrapes and grass, fruit, garlic too, even walnuts at times. My birds were Red Rocks. I had no issues with them, however, my other birds have come from a different hatchery and i seem to have different problems. First four were easy, healthy. I find I get a lot of soft eggs. I have tried different ideas. It gets frustrating. I am going to in the future to see if I can get chicks from the other hatchery. The feed store are getting them from a newer hatchery close by. Go with a heritage breed.
Thanks everyone. Just thinking about how she used to jump on the windowsill and tap at the window for food. They all have their little personalities,don't they!
Bogtown Chick, I am so sorry for what you are going through, she seems like an absolute angel, I've grown attached to her just by looking at the pictures!!
We finished 10 days of Baytril. Her demeanor is that of somebody who is holding back behind the crowd. She turned the bend on this go round the day before Valentines about 5 days ago she perked up. But then she is sleeping in higher up nest box tonight...but I did change the roost arrangements today too. So who knows for sure...what her deal is. she's been sleeping on roosts for the last few weeks. I saw her hold her pecking order position in the run herself rights to some BOSS. Such a rascal. All were dusted with Poultry dust a second time yesterday. Today after goodness knows what dropped to the bedding last night and during a 50 degree day today I cleaned out the coop removing old shavings. sweeping corners good etc. Ceaned the coop windows and dusty screens. Tomorrow I will haul the shop vac down to the coop and really go at the nest box areas and get residual dust up laying on the floors. I did not design those well for cleaning with the framework...and what not. horrible to clean! I have Neem oil spray coming coming in the mail sometime soon I hope. I will treat the roosts and nest box areas. So second stage or plan of attack is the vacuuming and Neem. Recheck everybody again in a week to see if that did the trick. I'm prepared to give treatments every week until I have every last cootie.

I think the Poultry dust is helping everybody. I noted smaller bugs on the rooster but that was to be expected I think with the hatch of the remaining louse eggs. Roger, the Big Tootsie, got mad at me again when Violet put on quite a show for her dusting.
He picked up a piece of straw and threw it back down on the run floor. Like, "that's the last straw."
But to his credit he did not show me his spurs and flog me. It was all around maintenance day and got his spurs filed down anticipating more mating with hopefully some eggs on the way soon.
He is a good boy...he just laid in my lap and let me file, file, file. Honestly I couldn't ask for a better rooster.

Anyways. Rose has had some return of her constricted poops despite the baytril...but then she'll have normal poops too. So hard to gauge if it's helping her or not.

This is a picture of my Rose with a rose on Valentine's day. Feeling better. She's a love for sure.

You are a busy lady!! You got me laughing, I can visualize you filing Rogers spurs, him picking up and throwing down that straw, LOL. He didn't want to hurt momma so he took it out on the straw. :)

Rose is looking good. She is so pretty. :)

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