Eggs R they still good?


8 Years
Mar 25, 2011
Dedham, Ma
I have a broody sitting n eggs in a coop all by herself. That was until a dog attacked one of my other hens and I was worried about her getting picked on so I also put her in the coop with the broody. I went away friday night and came back this afternoon. I moved the Broody to see her eggs (she had five dark brown eggs) There were 7 eggs two were from my light brahma that was attacked. My broody must have stolen them.... so I threw them away (i don't have a roo) but was wondering how long they would be good if they were being laid on 24 -7 for like 2 days.
I have a broody sitting n eggs in a coop all by herself. That was until a dog attacked one of my other hens and I was worried about her getting picked on so I also put her in the coop with the broody. I went away friday night and came back this afternoon. I moved the Broody to see her eggs (she had five dark brown eggs) There were 7 eggs two were from my light brahma that was attacked. My broody must have stolen them.... so I threw them away (i don't have a roo) but was wondering how long they would be good if they were being laid on 24 -7 for like 2 days.

audrey, you need to collect the eggs daily. Obviously the brahma is crowding in and laying in the nest. Just get the fresh eggs out each day and all should be fine.You can eat the brahma eggs...........Pop
I usually do but I was away....the brahma laid in a nesting box and the broody took the eggs I believe to sit on....i've seen her do this before which is one of the reasons I put her in the other coop alone. Going forward I won't have a problem because I know they will be from the same day. i was just wondering about those two because they were about 2 days old and had a broody sitting on them for likely the whole two days and I thought because of the heat from the hen sitting on them for days they would be no good. Am I correct in that or were those eggs still good?
The effect of the hen sitting on them for only two days is nil. They are perfectly safe to eat. It would be a different story if you had been gone for 2 weeks.

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