Elderly chicken (6 to 8 years) can’t walk, eat, and barely drinking or pooping


In the Brooder
Mar 25, 2024
i’ve had this chicken for a long time and i’m not sure exactly how long but 6-8 years maybe. she’s been slowing down lately and i think it’s just from old age. she can’t jump into the roost anymore and i had to build a ramp into the coop since she can’t jump in anymore. today i gave her a bath which she loved as always. the chickens who do get in the roost at night poop on her so she was gross and needed one. i noticed she seemed sleepy but she’s been so sleepy lately i thought nothing of it. after the bath i sat outside with her while she dried and after 3 hours i noticed she still hadn’t pooped. and she was non stop sleeping. i’ve never been very close with my chickens and only a couple let me pick them up. she used to be so skittish and now she cuddles with me. she can barely walk and barely hold herself up. at about 3 or 4 hours i used an eye dropper to get some sugar water in her for a bit of energy. at 5 hours she pooped and i brought her inside since it started getting a bit chilly. i then noticed her head vibrating every couple seconds. it stopped once she fell back asleep. her mouth would also hang open and even with liquid in it she’d let it spill out when earlier she was swallowing it. she is elderly so it could just be that it’s her time but i just want to make sure it’s not something that’ll spread to my other hens. i also tried feeding her by placing a seed in her mouth but she just spit it out. i’m letting her rest for a bit right now so i can eat dinner then i’ll go try and get some more liquid into her. is this just that she’s dying of old age or do you think she’s sick?
Sounds to me like she's dying.
I would put her out of her misery.
the only way to know if she's got something infectious is to send the body for a necropsy with labs.
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