Elector psp in fogger for poultry mites

I've never used it, but I can't imagine fogging a chicken and am guessing that could make them sick to be breathing that vapor in.

Their directions:

"Dilute 9 ml of Elector PSP in one gallon of water, shake/mix well. Add solution to a spray bottle to apply to poultry, paying particular attention to wetting the feathers and skin around the vents and under wings. Can take 48 hours after application for full effect."
Not sure that would be safe or effective.
I vaguely remember someone here who got poultry mites in the house...
...was it you @rosemarythyme ...or do you remember that story?
Well why wouldnt it be safe. I mean its safe to use around people right? And why wouldnt it be as effective? I have an infestation in the house. And i know elector psp works on poultry mites but i wanted to apply it in a fogger so i could cover the whole house. I just wanted to know why it wouldnt be effective?
Not sure that would be safe or effective.
I vaguely remember someone here who got poultry mites in the house...
...was it you @rosemarythyme ...or do you remember that story?
I've had Northern Fowl mites in the house but I did not fog for them.

If mite bites on you are an issue, or mites are getting into the house:

While treating the chickens I suggest keeping a dedicated set of chicken-only clothes, gloves, boots, etc. either in garage or shed, somewhere out of the house, and only use those around the chickens until treatment is done. Before going back into the house, check arms and legs carefully for any mites.

I also got some permethrin spray for use in the house, and sprayed all our muck boots, as well as hubby's office chair and the sofa.

Launder everything you've worn recently in hot water + hot dry. Launder your sheets as well. Even things like pillows... let them tumble in the dryer on high for at least 30 min. I even threw jackets in the dryer. If you happen to have rubbing alcohol, my pest guy suggested spraying the mattress as well. Rubbing alcohol has been further confirmed to work by other folks on BYC.

Continue vacuuming daily for a couple of days and make sure to empty out the vacuum/remove bags when done.

I know it seems like overkill but if you can get it under control with the chickens, the ones in the house should get eliminated/under control in the same time frame as long as you don't drag more in. Best of luck!

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