Electric Henrietta/fresh eggs peel

Jan 23, 2010
Mountains of NC
I learned from a friend about this great little egg cooker called Henrietta. I have used it twice to hard boil eggs; the eggs are cooked with steam. The eggs peeled NO problem and they were collected the same morning. Fantastic
I'm so glad this worked out for you! About the last thing I need/want in my kitchen is another electric appliance. I wonder if steaming the eggs would work? I have a double boiler that has holes in the bottom,
I don't know if just steaming will work or not. Henrietta requires a small pin hole be made on the larger end of an egg. The pin is included. Then the egg is placed small end down into a rack that holds the eggs. Henrietta cooks up to 7 eggs. Not a big appliance at all:)
Thanks for the info about the pin hole. I'll give steaming a try & let you know how it works out. If it doesn't work out, I'll have to get the steamer.

One question: About how long do the eggs steam?
This little cooker controls the time and degree of cooked from poached to hard boiled with the amount of water added. When the water is evaporated the cooker beeps. If the correct amount of water is added it says that 7 eggs takes 18 1/2 min to hard cook.
I have had
"Herietta" for quite a few years.....LOVE HER!
I got her by chance at a resale shop for I believe $2.00 or maybe $4.00 The price is still marked on her box (but I don't have it handy in front of me to see for sure). I think it works so well due to how it has you pierce the egg with basicly a tack end they have affixed to the egg holder. So the steam not only cooks the eggs but it cooks them "kinda" from the 'inside', so the shells come off pretty easily. I say it should be available at everyday local stores, Great Invention!
I also LOVE how she "churps" when the eggs are done, Super Easy!

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