eliminate a letter from the alphabet

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11 Years
May 14, 2008
I'd like to start a petition to eliminate a letter from the BYC alphabet. That letter is S. Three S's actually as in SSS. Why is it that every single thread where someone has a problem with a dog or a cat and talk turns to shooting it someone menstions SSS. You cannot come on here and rail about irresponsible people and then agree to SSS. I am in no way against shooting a dog or cat, etc if necessary. I just think in many, many cases it should be the last resort and not done as friviously as some suggest. To be very clear to those that have been original posters on the topic of thinking aobut or having had to shoot a dog or cat I've found you to be pretty responsible with what you are thinking of doing or have done. I've been impressed with most of the posters who have had to use a gun to handle a situation that occurred. I've been less than impressed with many, many of the responses to the original posters on such topics. It very much goes against the grain, tone and feeling that BYC promotes (at least I think it does if I'm not missing something). I keep telling myself stay out of the predator and pest forum section, but many topics are pertinant to what I and others are trying to accomplish with keeping our girls safe. So I figured I'd bring it up. Am I out of line with my thinking or not. Keystonepaul
actually if it's something I can take care of without SSS I am in 100% agreement. But non native invasive species can really devastate livestock.
Many people have spent good money on their livestock, buildings, feed, antibiotics, etc. and are not willing to take the risk on losing what they've spent that hard earned money on, especially if it's in the thousands. Not all of us are Paris Hilton or Bill Gates here..

IMO, there are too many cats in the world anyway. Yes, they're cute and all and can make very kind pets, but there are too many in the country and a person that shoots one (especially a feral or non-spayed/neutered one) is doing a favor by preventing more generations to come. I love cats, I even have one myself, but there comes a point where people need to fix their pets whether they like it or not.
and cats are a non native invasive species......
and cats are a non native invasive species......

Right. Sorry I missed that part in your post
no problem. I was deliberately being a little obtuse
I think the point here is the shovel and shut up part when it applies to knowing where the owner of the dog/cat lives ~ rather than leaving someone always wondering what happened. There are those times when pets do get loose and doesn't really qualify the owner as irresponsible.
I'm not a fan of SSS, but I do understand the necessity of it at times when you have repeatedly approached your neighbors about a problem animal, and have been blown off and/or threatened with retaliation. Sometimes there is no reasoning with people about their animals. When you have exhausted all other avenues, then SSS it is.

That being said, I agree it is too often brought up as an initial flippant response to a problem animal. I think you are taking it too personally, though. People who hang out in the "Predators and Pests" forum are usually smarting from having just lost birds to predators and pests. We are angry from the loss, exhausted from caring for the walking wounded or guarding the survivors, and sometimes just need to lash out a bit.

I'm sorry you were offended.
If spike the neighbor's dog is loose and sitting in my front yard, I'll walk him home, he's a loose pet. If spike is found in my backyard, with my chickens, or acting aggressive with my kids then he's a predator.
Same dog 2 different situations. I still have scars running down my leg 16 years after a dog attack, and instead of SSS, my parents adopted the darn dog.

I don't think anyone decides SSS is the prime option, but it IS an option espically for animals already in predator mode.
Ok I think this would be a fine time for me to finally ask what does SSS mean? I am really bad at all the lingo. Yesterday I found out what IMO and IMHO meant
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