Embden cross breed goslings


5 Years
May 7, 2018
Does anyone have any pics of any embden cross goslings. I have an embden gander, an embden goose, and an African/Toulouse goose. Both of my girls have been sharing a nest. These 2 babies hatched out 6 days apart and I'm trying to figure out if they are embden or crosses.
okay i'm just guessing -- i HOPE the experts don't kill me. but having raised purchased goslings, I would guess the one on the right looks like it might be embden/embden and the one on the left (with the darker coloration on its back) looks like a cross. can't exactly tell with shadows if what i'm seeing is coloration or just the photo. We have had chinese geese (white embden) for years and their babies are always a light/bright fuzzy yellow. No markings or spots.
okay i'm just guessing -- i HOPE the experts don't kill me. but having raised purchased goslings, I would guess the one on the right looks like it might be embden/embden and the one on the left (with the darker coloration on its back) looks like a cross. can't exactly tell with shadows if what i'm seeing is coloration or just the photo. We have had chinese geese (white embden) for years and their babies are always a light/bright fuzzy yellow. No markings or spots.
That's ironic because the one on the right looks identical to our male embden when we got him. These are our male and female when we got them. I was thinking that they are both embden with the lighter one being male and the darker one being female.
the one in the back that's also on the right really looks full embden to me with your new photos. the other one, i have no idea. of course it depends on the purity of the breed you started with. our first run of chinese white we purchased as goslings were pure white when mature and fully feathered. a few years later we purchase some more stock from a different hatchery and one of the "chinese whites" has definite beige in her plumage so even tho we purchased chinese whites, she obviously isn't bred well. doesn't bother us, but if we ever hatch her eggs, who knows what we might get.
the one in the back that's also on the right really looks full embden to me with your new photos. the other one, i have no idea. of course it depends on the purity of the breed you started with. our first run of chinese white we purchased as goslings were pure white when mature and fully feathered. a few years later we purchase some more stock from a different hatchery and one of the "chinese whites" has definite beige in her plumage so even tho we purchased chinese whites, she obviously isn't bred well. doesn't bother us, but if we ever hatch her eggs, who knows what we might get.
I know for a fact that my embdens are 100% pure embden. The man I got them from has over 50 embdens and his original ones were purchased from a top notch breeder. He only deals with emdens. Now my other one, the lady had all african and toulouse but that's all I know about them.

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