Emergency chicken hawk attack


7 Years
Jun 26, 2014
My new baby chick got attacked by a chicken hawk and is still alive. I caught the hawk trying to pull my chick through the hole of chicken fence. The wing was pulled through the hole, the rest of it laid limb on the inside, barely breathing. I cannot see any major wounds, some scratches and little blood on the head, under the wing and on chest. The chicken does breath, but very shallow. It's head is wobbly hanging to its side, the eyes open a little, the peak opens and closes and the chick tries to swallow water with the little dropper I'm using. I brought it inside, keeping it warm and quiet. I check on it every hour but not much change. It has been 8 hours now! Can anyone help my baby chick get better?

Welcome to BYC!

X2 on the emergency section. And yes, keep him very warm. They go into shock very easily. Good luck and I hope the little one survives.
I took the chick to the vet to have it euthanized late afternoon. The poor thing didn't do very well and it was time to release it from it's suffering. Thank you to all of you.
very sorry. She was probably in shock which prevents them from feeling pain, in such a state she couldn't handle food or water. Left in a warm, quiet place she may have come back to earth, so to speak. Chickens recover from some horrendous wounds often.

Please use 1/2 hardware cloth to replace wire with larger openings, so another bird doesn't fall prey to hawks or raccoons (who love to snag body parts and eat them off). If you also cover their pen, it will prevent hawk drop ins.
Yes, we did add another smaller wire fence around the covered chicken run, with a 5" space in between on the bottom. I even have a hard time getting in it now.
I apologize for not using the right forum to ask for help, I can't think straight when I'm under a lot of stress. I will do my best to use this site correctly.
Since I'm in the new member introduction, let me introduce myself:
I'm Many, located in Clarksville, TN. I'm a first time chicken and duck owner. I went to a store and saw baby chicks in horrendous conditions. I vowed to save some and bought some.
I used your site and others to gain knowledge about being a "farmer". Also, my husband grew up in the country and has some knowledge.
As I found out, one never has enough knowhow.
I'm looking forward being a part of BYC. Thank you for your support.

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