Emergency! Constipated/Eggbound Hen? Please Help! Pics!

I'm positive that she has fluid in her abdomen. Is there anyway that I can drain it without a vet? I worried that she might not make it through the night if it doesn't get drained. I really don't want to lose her. She is a very special hen to me.
If you are unsure about draining the fluid or even that that is the problem,I would follow the supportive care that casportpony posted and keep her as comfortable as possible.Meanwhile,I would also at least make an appointment that works with you schedule for travel time but ASAP if funds permit. I'll pray for your little girl......what is her name?
Mine too.
I was just reading this because something is not right with my girl. What happened to Black Eyed Susan?
My little lady is a 22 weeks old Buff orpington and has not laid yet. Well tonight when I went to close the coop I saw that she wasn't on the roost. She was squatting down like she was laying an egg but no egg. She would walk around a little but then right back to squatting. I did some searching and thought she may have an egg stuck. ( I am a first time chicken owner. I thought I had 12 girls ended up with 9 and 3 boys. Just got rid of the RIR because he was aggressive and mating a lot with non laying hen. Now I have 2 soon to be 1 white Cochin rooster. So to say the least I am a rookie but I do as much ready and asking questions as i can!) And the only way to know for sure is to put on a glove with some lubricant and go about 2 inches. Well I did that and didnt feel an egg. Not sure what to do but I brought her in the house in a box with straw food and water and placed her in a dark cool place. ANY help would be appreciated!!!
She did the same thing all night squatting down not roosting feathers kinda out and looks stressed. This morning she looks just fine!
That is a bit odd. Is she squatting for you as you approach or are you finding her in the squatting position?

It's hard to know what to do for her since her daytime activities seem normal, even for hot weather.

Can you go out early or can you watch them starting about an hour before roosting and just observe the flock's behavior? A couple of things come to mind, she may be getting hormonal and is confused by playing broody or she is possibly waiting for the rooster?

If you can get this on video, I would like to see it... something I've never seen before.
She was completely fine all day and now she is doing to same thing. I tried to upload a video but it won't let me I will try a shorter one.

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