Emergency Please help me my chicks are dropping like flys


Apr 1, 2015
I have chickens they seem to all be healthy however I have about 50 Chicks there in various ages no stool problems no obvious symptoms whatsoever suddenly yesterday and today they're dropping like flies I found five of them dead in their Coop this morning when I opened it I had three more died just since this morning they're eating and drinking and then suddenly become weak I don't know what to do I need help I just I don't even know what to do please help me
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Welcome (I wish it was under better circumstances),

Get over to the emergencies forum as quick as you can and make a post with a detailed description of what is happening to your chicks. Try to give as much information as possible, that will help the members there figure out what is going on. Here's a link to take you there:

I'm sorry you've lost some of your chicks and hope the rest of them will be ok.

Good luck!
Any chance their feed got moldy? Any neighbors spraying weeding productions? Could you temporarily move them to a different location, to see if that alleviates the problem.?

Is it possible to take a dead chick to the vet for a necropsy to determine what is killing them?
Hi and welcome to BYC - you have some good advice already, so i will simply wish you all the best in trying to find out the cause of your losses.


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