Emergency - Rescued baby pheasants not doing well


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 15, 2013
We rescued 2 little baby pheasants yesterday and they are not doing too well now. They are sleeping all the time, very slow breathing. Right now they are on a heating pad and wrapped up to keep warm. They look to be maybe a week old. (or less) we have high protein chick starter for them but they don't seem to be eating. They are pooping though. They seem very lethargic and we don't know what to do at this point. Please help!!!
In my opinion all you can do at the moment is keep them warm, with plenty of clean water and if you can try and get hold of game bird starter crumb as the chicken crumb is not high enough in protein for these chicks. Are there any game bird breeders in your area that you can contact?
We rescued 2 little baby pheasants yesterday and they are not doing too well now. They are sleeping all the time, very slow breathing. Right now they are on a heating pad and wrapped up to keep warm. They look to be maybe a week old. (or less) we have high protein chick starter for them but they don't seem to be eating. They are pooping though. They seem very lethargic and we don't know what to do at this point. Please help!!! 
If their wild pheasants, you'll have to teach them what crumbles are....if you can get small (1/2" mealworms) to feed them, you might have a chance at raising them. Same goes for water, may have problem getting them to drink from a waterer. Try getting NutriDrench or other electrolytes, (Pedialite works in a pinch) in them, may have to use a small syringe. Theres no surefire method but hope this helps and Good Luck.
Thanks for your advice! One of them died yesterday but the other one seems to be perking up with heat and a bit of water and food in a dropper. How often do they need to be fed with a dropper. (It contains high protein chick food mashed into a paste)
Thanks for your advice! One of them died yesterday but the other one seems to be perking up with heat and a bit of water and food in a dropper. How often do they need to be fed with a dropper. (It contains high protein chick food mashed into a paste) 
Sorry to hear the loss. It's good that your getting some feed and water in them, try and get some electrolytes in the remaining one...it's stressed and electrolytes will help combating the stress. Also, try crushing the crumbles up finer, placing in a shallow dish(coffee can lid works great) peck at with your finger to get it's attention/interest to check it out. You can also wet your finger, coat it with crumbles and hold it in front of the chick, sometimes they will peck at it, sometimes it might be scared to death of your hand...every situation is different. Those are some of the things I've done to get them to eat.
As far as feeding schedule, that will depend on the time you have to spend with them. I would try at least 5 to 6 times a day to get something in their bellys. Once they start pecking at the crumbles on their own and drinking from a waterer, the hard part is done. It can get frustrating but with perseverance and luck it may turn out well. HTH

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