EMERGENCY!!!(well not really?)button quail and cotournix quail!

Yo guys... this quail is limping some and falling over... should I let her rest? No cuts nothing she’s super healthy.... also there’s some pin feathers? I heard on budgies you rub them off... do I do the same for this quail?
No need to help them with their feathers, they'll preen off the keratin sheath all on their own. The dizziness/unsteadiness could be physical (something wrong with her legs or inner ear) or it might be due to nutritional deficiency or illness. Do you have any vitamins (poly vi sol, sav-a-chick) that you can give her? It couldn't hurt. It also couldn't hurt to pull her aside if you think she might be sick. Hope she gets better!
I would do the same, give a small bit of the baby vitamins without iron, possibly separate, and no I don’t mess with the pins they will grow out in no time.

Some people “preen” their pet parrots because they love it. Like giving them a scratch on the back of the neck and pinching the sheaths off gently while having a cuddle with your bird pet bird. But quail seem to grow them out so fast and to me most of them are my babies yes but not “pets” so I let them alone. Besides I’ve got so many... I would be picking feather sheaths all day haha!

Also quail feathers are quite fragile and tend to come out and be replaced very quickly. Plus it’s extremely easy to pull that fuzz off even when not meaning to, I tried to fix a leg recently and that leg is bald and the “fix” didn’t help AT ALL. So I just made her life easier by clipping her wing feathers and giving her a pinion - her wing was catching on her leg and she was tripping on it. Never seen anything like it, but she’s eating and drinking fine so I’ll leave her be.

Ok I’m rambling. Good luck!
Oh no are you sure? So sad I hate having to do it, but when I harvest I cut the head off... sharp scissors :(

He doesn’t look so good is it that foot? Hard to see
Well I already killed it.... and also it’s kneecap was bleeding.... I’m not sure what.... I was force feeding her water and food since she never moved from it’s spot ever.... so I knew she was giving up.... I had too.... **** was it hard!!! When I snapped it’s head off it still moved a little and I did tear up a little(men don’t cry.... atleast that helps me a little) thinking it was suffering.... well it’s gone now... all I can do is focus on the ones I’ve got now.... I’m gonna see a vet soon... about the quail with the limping foot.... and I’m gonna give it vitamins in the mean time!
Well I already killed it.... and also it’s kneecap was bleeding.... I’m not sure what.... I was force feeding her water and food since she never moved from it’s spot ever.... so I knew she was giving up.... I had too.... **** was it hard!!! When I snapped it’s head off it still moved a little and I did tear up a little(men don’t cry.... atleast that helps me a little) thinking it was suffering.... well it’s gone now... all I can do is focus on the ones I’ve got now.... I’m gonna see a vet soon... about the quail with the limping foot.... and I’m gonna give it vitamins in the mean time!

That's rough :(. Vitamins are almost never a bad idea, so hope that works.

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