Empordanesa & Penedesenca - Who has them?


11 Years
Apr 17, 2008
Greer, SC USA
Just got started in Penedesenca and love them. Looking for others working with them - particularly in the southeast near Greer, South Carolina or near South Bend, Indiana (hometown.)
Penedesenca might be easier to find than Empordanesa in the U.S. I found only 4 total U.S. breeders of rare Breda when I was on the hunt for Breda. Sometimes breeders phase out less popular rare breeds because customer sales demand is for a colorful egg basket rather than to preserve rare chicken breeds. Be diligent in your search and hopefully someone still has a U.S. breeding flock.
Briefly we considered Penes or rare Emps, however, decided against putting up w/ their less calm nature because there's no guarantee in the depth of their egg color. Alternately we considered Welsummer for dark eggs but again the depth of color and speckling can disappoint like the Marans we had. We haven't been convinced by any USA dark egg layers yet.

Wish the photos of dark eggs could be trusted on the internet. My camera often exaggerates color depending on lighting etc so I no longer believe the "dark" claims of breeders' photos. You can't always count on incubating only the darkest hatching eggs to get dark egg-laying pullets either. If you are wanting a breed just for dark eggs you can be sadly disappointed when your pullet's first egg is just #3 or #4 on the egg chart and getting lighter as the season continues. However, if you get dark egg layers just to preserve a rare breed than you are to be commended - especially if perfecting a strain for the darkest eggs is not forgotten. The SOP means nothing to consumers if striving for the SOP means the egg color and productivity suffer. It's a LOT of work and wish the dedicated breeders success in their endeavor!

I personally admire the independent Mediterraneans like Leghorns, Penes, Catalanas, Minorcas, Anconas, WFB Spanish, etc, and thought it would be cool to have a mixed Mediterranean flock w/ white, tinted, and chocolate eggs. However, our little backyard just isn't suitable for the freedom-loving, aloof, purebred Mediterraneans - they are just too good at foraging to keep confined! But if you have the space Mediterraneans are still the best in the world as prolific layers IMO.
Wow! This thread is so old! I just recently found out about the White Empordanesa breed. I am looking for someone that could either ship eggs or chicks. I hope someone is out there that still has and breeds them. This has been one of the hardest for me to track down!!! Thank you for an information!
Wow! This thread is so old! I just recently found out about the White Empordanesa breed. I am looking for someone that could either ship eggs or chicks. I hope someone is out there that still has and breeds them. This has been one of the hardest for me to track down!!! Thank you for an information!
I hope you find some!
Thank you for your reply. I am not giving up! I want this breed! Someone out there has them - I just know it! LOL!!! I have no clue why I want them so bad - they are just white chickens - LOL! But the breed sounds amazing to me and I guess the fact that I can't find them makes me want them even more!
That's part of the reason I became enamored with Penedesencas.

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