Empordanesa & Penedesenca - Who has them?

Wow, just found this thread through Google.

Didn't know Empordanesas were known in the English speaking world.

A few weeks ago I bought three, two hens and a rooster, from a well known breeder in my area, Tarragona.

Still don't know much about this breed, but I'm looking forward to finding out.
I only have on one 5 month old black hen. She lays about as dark as the 5th egg on that chart. She's not flighty at all. I actually hold her more than any of my other chickens because she's so cute. Poor thing isn't going to do very well here next winter with her huge comb.
I desperately want this breed! I got a dozen eggs from my pet chicken and only 3 hatched! I have 2 wheaten and 1 partridge.
The more I learn bout this breed, the more I want them. I don't mind if they're flighty. I have 40 acres of pasture out back and another 2 of woods. They can forage as much as they like. I like having foraging chickens.
Is anyone selling chicks or hatching eggs? I am in NC.

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