escape artist


10 Years
Jun 5, 2009
We got three more chicks today. A buff orpington, a buff brahma, and a welsummer. Eleven weeks ago we got three chicks and they did fine in this brooder. Today, our day old wellsummer escaped shortly after putting her in the brooder.
She insists on escaping unless she is sleeping. Then she loudly peeps to the others. Now I gotta set something else up tonight


The pasta box is a stick their head in style feeder. A cardboard box lets us adjust the size as they grow.
Now that she knows she can get through there you need to watch out for her as she gets bigger so she dose not get stuck in that space.
Now that she knows she can get through there you need to watch out for her as she gets bigger so she dose not get stuck in that space.

I got a box that fits in the crate and put it in there. She hasn't escaped that but it doesn't have as much air flow and I am worried the temps aren't right. They were sleeping on the other end this morning. But last night they were all huddled together right under it. I have a laser temp thingy that says the hot end is 97ish and the cool end is 87ish. Before the box the hot end was 92ish and the cool end was 83ish. I might change the bulb out for a lower wattage.

Last night:

This morning:

Yes, the bo is sleeping in the food.
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