Essential Oils

EO's are not made for human consumption. The FDA warns about this all the time some companies selling have gotten into a lot of trouble for telling ppl they are. Do not feed them to your chickens it is not safe.

Not all EO's are safe for consumption. There are different "grades". I definitely wouldn't eat perfume grade essential oils! But I do use therapeutic grade internally ALL the time...I cook with it and occasionally pop some right in my mouth LOL
Anyone care to explain to me the difference between the different kind of oils.
I truly am interested, more so in only the ones that are edible.
is there a list or something I can refer to?
Which ones ARE safe to eat?
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Is this essential oil something a human could eat also?
I am not familiar with these type oils.
For some reason I thought they were just for smelling?
Some are of poor quality and they are for smelling (they are called perfume grade essential oils). There are a few companies that sell more pure essential oils that are used on and sometimes in your body.
Anyone care to explain to me the difference between the different kind of oils.
I truly am interested, more so in only the ones that are edible.
is there a list or something I can refer to?
Which ones ARE safe to eat?
There are lots kinds that can be injested...just not lots of "brands". There's a lot of good information here: . Just click on the essential oil 101 tab at the top
Here's my recent experience with Oregano Oil.
I had some weird "flu" for over 7 weeks.
It's possible I had a relapse of Valley Fever.

It never went into my head but began in my throat and immediately went into my chest the next day.
Then I lost my voice.
My voice was gone for 6 weeks before it even began coming back.
I couldn't breathe without coughing.
I felt there was an elephant on my chest all the time.
I had to sleep sitting up in a chair.
I couldn't walk far without being exhausted.
After 7 exhausting weeks of being weak and hacking up my lungs, I heard about Oregano Oil.
I took two capsules twice the first day with food.
I had to stay home because within a hour of taking the caps, I'd get stomach cramps and diarrhea and man, that stuff burned like FIRE coming out the other end.


ONE day later, I felt 75% better. I continued that day with the Oregano Oil.
The next day I was well.

Two DAYS after being sick for 7 weeks.

I'm keeping it in my medicine cabinet and using it at the first sign of flu.

I told my girlfriend about it day before yesterday when she came down with the flu.
She took it and is better after one day.

I'm convinced.

I can't see how it'd hurt a chicken if you only put a drop or two in a gallon of water,
but I would only do it if they were poorly.
I made my own using coconut oil as a carrier when my rooster got hurt. He was gurgling, going to sleep on his feet, couldn't get up in the coop himself.I can't say that's 100 percent what helped him as I was doing all sorts of voodoo to the guy.I was giving cloves, tumeric if he would have died he would have gone pre-seasoned.But he did make it good as new in fact so the oregano had to do something for him.
Here's my recent experience with Oregano Oil.
I had some weird "flu" for over 7 weeks.
It's possible I had a relapse of Valley Fever.

It never went into my head but began in my throat and immediately went into my chest the next day.
Then I lost my voice.
My voice was gone for 6 weeks before it even began coming back.
I couldn't breathe without coughing.
I felt there was an elephant on my chest all the time.
I had to sleep sitting up in a chair.
I couldn't walk far without being exhausted.
After 7 exhausting weeks of being weak and hacking up my lungs, I heard about Oregano Oil.
I took two capsules twice the first day with food.
I had to stay home because within a hour of taking the caps, I'd get stomach cramps and diarrhea and man, that stuff burned like FIRE coming out the other end.


ONE day later, I felt 75% better. I continued that day with the Oregano Oil.
The next day I was well.

Two DAYS after being sick for 7 weeks.

I'm keeping it in my medicine cabinet and using it at the first sign of flu.

I told my girlfriend about it day before yesterday when she came down with the flu.
She took it and is better after one day.

I'm convinced.

I can't see how it'd hurt a chicken if you only put a drop or two in a gallon of water,
but I would only do it if they were poorly.
Make sure to use glass instead of plastic if you are going to use EO. Oregano is a hot oil and will melt the plastic...

Personal experience :rolleyes:

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