Essential Oils

Another thought on oils is:
A LOT of oils have other chemical ingredients in them. The animals could very well be reacting to THOSE chem fillers.
IF you do use oils on animals, research it first and use ONLY Therapeutic grade, organic oils. I have NEVER had a problem with my Young Living oils on anything....but I also do my homework, esp with cats.
The Best Oil to bug is Doterra bug repellent Blend it is not expensive, no fillers , chemicals or any other things in it, beyond organic and affordable. mix 50 drops in 6 oz water shake shake shake and spray it every where in the coop also on the hens feet for mites works great
If you drop a tick in oregano oil it kills it quickly.
I don't know if it is safe to use around chickens or not.
If you drop a tick in oregano oil it kills it quickly.
I don't know if it is safe to use around chickens or not.
If you drop any kind of insect in any kind of oil it's gonna kill it pretty quickly as it covers up the spiracles thru which they breathe.
Just remember, avian species are not the same as mammals and can be sensitive to aromatics to the point of death, such as tea tree and citronella. Especially, watch for stuff like that in wound ointments, which may not have warnings against using it on birds. Trust me on this.
My wife is "into" Essential Oils. We have tried them for several cures but I am not sold. We placed oils on our dogs that were suppose to repel ticks but the ticks were not phased and the dogs hated the smell. I used a Sentry product on the dogs and it made a HUGE difference with eliminating the ticks (also had a pleasing citrus scent that did not bother the dogs). I think the oils are nice and soothing within a diffuser for the house but I don't think that the long list of cures that are claimed in the literature is "up to snuff". Not saying that they are snake oils but be cautious of all the claims and testimonies.
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I had an infestation of red mites.  I used the DE, but it didn't do a whole lot to help.  Then I started spraying lavender essential oil (diluted) inside the coop, especially on the roosts and in the nests.  I even sprayed the chickens with it - under their wings, back of neck, and around their vents.  This seemed to take care of the pesky little things!

How would you dilute lavender oil to spray it on the chickens themselves? How many drops to a cup of water?
I'm not sure of an exact amount of EO. But, I personally use about 15 drops of Lavender + 15 drops of Purification to about 16oz of water.
Good luck.

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