Ethel or Ernest?


In the Brooder
Oct 9, 2015
Central Arkansas, USA
Hubs and I are still up in the air on whether we have an Erhel or Ernest? About four months old and have yet to hear a crow. Any educated guesses would be wonderful!
We had one other but he was re-homed two weeks ago.
We are brand new to the chicken adventure so are learning as we go.

The presence of the other male may have been part of the delay in him finding his crow - often a subordinate male will not "announce" himself as doing so would invite attention from the dominant male. In addition to that, just as with human children, they mature at different rates and it is possible that your Ernest is just a bit of a late bloomer in the voice department.
The dark red patchiness over the wing area is a typical male pattern - and if you look you can see that your boy is developing the long, flowing, pointy saddle feathers characteristic of a male - the "Fabio feathers" if you will.
The presence of the other male may have been part of the delay in him finding his crow - often a subordinate male will not "announce" himself as doing so would invite attention from the dominant male.  In addition to that, just as with human children, they mature at different rates and it is possible that your Ernest is just a bit of a late bloomer in the voice department. 

: ) Thanks for the info. Much appreciated!

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