Expensive White Silkie Chick: disappointing


11 Years
Aug 28, 2008
Lexington, Kentucky
I have ONE white silkie chick that hatched from 8 eggs. This chick looks correct, except it has crooked toes. Now, at 2 weeks old, it has a very slight angle to its beak, and looks like it will become cross beaked. Do you think this is genetics, such as poor breeding or just random? The person who sold me the eggs (EBay) sells silkie eggs all the time and her pics of birds are great. I just wonder how much inbreeding there is. Would you ask her about more eggs, at a huge discount or free, or would you just cut your losses and forget it. This little one is from my 9 y.o. daughters own money and was her "project" and she is soooo disappointed. The chick has a vaulted skull, and lots of fluff already. Otherwise it is a nice chick, just a little flighty for a silkie. Advice? HenZ
Thanks, that is what I thought. So, I think I'll just let it pass. No reason to get more eggs and have the same thing. I'll try again, with different eggs. It's just a for fun project.

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