Facebook BackYardChickens Group - Master Facebooker Needed !

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It exists and there are members, but I don't want to post a link here. Remember, the goal is to send people from Facebook here and not the other way around!

If you are on Facebook already, search groups for "byc chickens" and feel free to join and tell your friends!
I forget where the logo pictures are located at, but I have one on my website page. I guess I will have to add one to my myspace and facebook also.
I would love more varieties of banners in the 125 width size, sans flash. Yeah, I know, I don't ask much, right? I can put banners as tall as I want in my sidebars, but need to keep the width down.
Just a thought, but: Facebook groups with higher membership are more "visible." So, it makes sense for everyone who uses this forum to go ahead and join the Facebook group. I just went and joined and stuck up a few of my favorite pictures. I think a high membership #, a little chatter on the front page, and maybe a couple of pics will wind up driving more people here. Mainly the group member numbers, though.

If people search "chickens" on Facebook, you want THIS group to come up at the top of the search results!
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