Facebook users - does anyone else play "Farm Town"?

I need more FB friends so I can have FT neighbors!! Of ALL of my friends, only 8 play FT, so I don't even have enough neighbors to ask people to plow for me!!!

Any BYCers wanna be my fb friend and FT neighbor? I give slammin gifts!!
I need Island Paradise, lil farm life, fishville and countrylife neighbors
Lisa Strunk Bache on Fb. I also play Farmville and farmtown some. Just let me know your from BYC.
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I need 9 more neighbors in FarmVille to get the blue ribbon for Local Celebrity - anyone who hasn't friended me yet, please send a friend request to annbal at comcast dot net (make the appropriate changes - I don't need more stinkin' spam!
<<<<Heads to facebook to do her daily duty of plowing, fish tank cleaning, harvesting and buying pretend stuff for her pet society pet. I have chickens, and dogs and fishes to take care of and clean up after in real life, not to mention the 3 teenagers that claim to be my children. Why in the world do I do all of it in a pretend land as well? I think it is a conspiracy by the government! Its like addictive, there should be a meeting for people like me, a twelve step program!!!

Hello, I am addicted to facebook and I dont know why.
Tried to add you and it said you weren't on facebook

That's the email address I use to sign in, soo.... ??????

For those of you that have found me, I've got you added! Let the farming begin!
Tried to add you and it said you weren't on facebook

That's the email address I use to sign in, soo.... ??????

For those of you that have found me, I've got you added! Let the farming begin!

If you will PM me your name maybe i could find you that way

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