Facebook Users......

I don't personally friend people I don't know. I do have plenty of "fans" of my business page but that is a bit different. I have folks on my FB who I haven't spoken to in 20 years, but they are in the friend list for my high school. I talk to a core group of "friends" and that is it.
Same here....I have 302 friends as of right now, most of which I know from one time or another in real life [from when we used to live elsewhere, camps, church, other local churches, 4-H,VBS, sports, etc], but only maybe 20-30 do I ever communicate with, with maybe 10 I do on a regular basis. I have one friend from the school I used to go to, who I haven't seen in 3 yrs. We never got a long real well, so we pick on each other, not bullying, harassing, etc., we just joke around. We have VERY different music tastes, so if she'll post lyrics, I'll say DISLIKE, and when I do that, she'll do the same, etc.
Nope...only people I know in real life and BYCers.

Although, since I only know most of you by your BYC names, I have to rely on the fact that most BYCers have a chicken as their FB avatar
some of my fb friends are people I "met" via comments on a fan page for Pink Floyd, one of whom has become one of my best friends. sometimes I will accept a friend request from someone I don't know, if we have mutual friends, but if I really have no idea who a person is, I will break the connection in short time. If I enjoy their comments or status updates, I won't "unfriend" them. I think that there are times when someone sends me a friend request thinking that I am a different "Amanda Ruddell" who lives in my hometown (and who is my husband's cousin's wife).
Depends, I send "saddina - byc" in the comments section to make life easier, any I get tagged like that i tend to accept. But blind invites with no info... nope.
question about FB..
Say i friend someone...
will then all THEIR friends have access to my page? even if i didnt approve them?

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