Falling Down Heights, my daily life

Oh, and three of the five eggs have hatched, with the remaining two slowly zipping.

I'm actually a bit bummed about these babies. I thought the eggs were from the Aylesbury duck that recently died, but nope. Dad is obviously the Magpie (who also recently died). I doubt these are purebred and so far their markings aren't that great either.
And then I go to turn the other eggs in the incubator and find:

The goslings are growing so fast!!! Took them out for a bit of sunshine, planning to put them in a pen, but they wanted nothing to do with it! Refused to go into the pen! So I decided to see if they would follow me around. AND THEY DID! The most adorable thing ever!

Prior to this, I'd just snuggle with them on my lap.

We didn't stay out long, little Winney (previously Filly) was panting, but I didn't put them back in their cage. They are now contentedly napping at my feet, making little happy trilling noises.

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Someone's turned into a goose peep...

So, remember when I said I only had three eggs developing out of the 45+ I'd stuffed into the Maticoopx? Well, there were some that didn't look quite clear so I left them in too. Total of 15. Well, now there's 12 developing eggs!!!


I have no idea where I'm going to put all these babies...

Right now, all the hatchery chicks (about 2 weeks old) are in my bathtub. The five newborns and three Muscovy are in a bin over the bathtub. The two largest ducklings that I held back (Trouper included) are in a dog crate. 13 month-old Silkie mix chicks are in a large bird cage. Derpy-Bill and three other ducklings are in a large cage (like for guinea pigs), and the goslings are in a rabbit cage. ALL of these are inside.

There are 10 other duck eggs in various stages of development in the MeeF, along with the final three blue eggs that my older hen layed this year (only 2 seem to be developing), plus those other 12.

I need an addition to the trailer... With brooders.

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