**Fancy Rooster Contest!! Ends 2/28/16**

This is Bert Jr, he is a "Toad". A mixture I made myself. He is 3/4 CX and 1/4 Rainbow. He is even bigger today, but alas the single comb is not so impressive after a Minnesota winter and a little frostbite. I am currently breeding him back to his sister and some CX hens to make more toads. They get larger than CX's and seem to be longer living while being as sweet and luvable.
I think Romeo looks like him, (one my Roos) your Toads are very pretty
I doubt I could catch him to find out! haha. he's certainly a meaty fellow though. The plastic container in the foreground of the third pic is your standard yougurt/sour cream size circumference and he stands a little above my knee. He was broody raised and has never been handled so that's about all I can give you for scale. I'm certainly curious now though!
My beautiful one year old rooster Hexen one of my white Ameraucana roos and my little man 7 week old Hans one of 2 Cream legbars I got in December. I always show off my old man Elvis the GLW in my avatar so I decided to show off a couple of my younger ones.
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This is Bert Jr, he is a "Toad". A mixture I made myself. He is 3/4 CX and 1/4 Rainbow. He is even bigger today, but alas the single comb is not so impressive after a Minnesota winter and a little frostbite. I am currently breeding him back to his sister and some CX hens to make more toads. They get larger than CX's and seem to be longer living while being as sweet and luvable.
That is a HUGE bird!

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