FarmrGirl! I'm just down the road from you!


9 Years
May 10, 2010
Southern MD
I've looked at your website before when looking for local ducks. Funny thing is, I remember looking at your house on homesdatabase when it was up for sale a few years ago. Such a cute house and a great location! (I swear I'm not a weird stalker, it's just not often you see red houses around these parts! So it kinda stuck in my brain.) Glad to know of another "duck" person around here.
OMG! A weird stalker on BYC knows where I live!! LOL!

Rockin'! More duck folks
Where are you? Pomfret? White Plains? La Plata?

Actually I'm in Waldorf, near Cedarville State Park. We'd love to move closer to La Plata or farther south eventually and have a bit more land. I'd love to have more chickens and ducks. Now that I've had fresh eggs from my adoring chickens, I can't imagine not having backyard poultry. The ducks, well, they are just for my amusement.
I prefer my duck eggs over the chicken any day! They taste the same but the duck eggs are a bit richer and the yolk is nice and dark... mmmmmm! I do enjoy watching the ducks be funny tho! The chickens don't have quite the same personality

Yeah, I only have 2 acres right now... I'd love to have a lot more property with a pond. I'm always keeping my eye out for 10+ acres in my area, then I can get more geese!

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