Faverolles Bred back to Dorking project

I really enjoyed your reasoning why you wanted the Faverolles Thanks for that - very similar to how I researched Faverolles and stumbled on to your thread.

I had Pekins or as I see on the American sites Bantam Cochin for many years as a youngster and teenager and can still vividly remember the photo of a Salmon faverolles Roo in a book on all different bantam breeds, I thought it was amazing but alas never could find them in SA.

After ten years in the UK we returned to SA and I had Orpingtons on our farm and at one stage about fifty Buff hens as well as a few black and white ones a breed I always wanted to breed with.

Now a few years later living in town no chickens that little roo pic is haunting me if someone can help me with some hatching eggs or chicks in South Africa - willing to buy them but does anybody have any over in SA??

Thanks for the lovely thread and I hope your breeding project is a huge long-term success - it seems it will take quite a few years to get there but if it does succeed you will have a super Faverolles specimen

F2 rooster
Yes there has been wonderful progress. The birds are maturing faster than the pure Faverolles, and are significantly larger when mature. I will be posting photos as soon as I get done helping my folks move from Massachusetts to North Carolina.

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