Faverolles Thread

Hi all! I'm new to faverolles. Such beauties! Here are my two salmon youngsters, pics are 5 days old already. They were 5 weeks in these pics. No names yet but soon!

the darker one

And the pretty little light one
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Anyone sell Salmon Faverolles near east TN? My long awaited little puffy cheeked chick arrived from the hatchery yesterday half the size of the other chicks and has gone down hill.
I ordered from MyPetChicken. She and a Speckled Sussex were half the size of the other chicks. I lost both and a Partridge Rock of mine was DOA. I went in with a friend and she only ordered Buff Orpingtons and Golden Laced Wyandottes and she's lost one of each. They refund the cost of the chicks that are lost in the first 48 hours. But after all the time waiting, 4 months from the order date, and expense of shipping and worry, I'm really crushed my three favorite picks are the ones that didn't make it. I just keep reminding myself "at least they are all girls" and being thankful that none of my kids picks were among the casualties.

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