Faverolles Thread

Eeek! The little Jerk has calmed down into the middle spot between week 1 and week 2. It's two weeks old today and the first cloudy day of its little life. It's been running and scampering and "flying" and I finally got it as it settled in for a nap:


LOL that face! It's not huddled, it just did that as I took the picture. But talk about a personality shift. It seems to be much happier with the sussex at the top of the order.

How are Faverolles with other birds? This one likes the mirror and a stuffed toy we put in the brooder that's the same color it is. The other birds like those objects as well but the faverolle seems more drawn to them, especially the toy :-/ I'm wondering if I just have too few birds in the brooder...

...how chicken math can strike....
Once the feathers start coming in they are distinctly different colors. Esp. when the chest feathers come in. Girls are white on the chest, boys are black. If you have well threaded lines,and know what you are looking for, you can tell with the wing feathers at a few days old..
I think I have quite the special little girl here. She just had herself a dust bath...in a bowl of live mealworms.


At least she's entertaining.

Time to pull wriggling mealworms out of the carpet.


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