Favorite Christmas Movie??

well in our house DH MUST watch the Christmas story- he knows the whole movie by heart !
I am a Renkin & Bass person ( the clay animated cartoons ) I watch them all -I know every movie and all the songs LOL

That kid grew up down the street from me!
Of course, he's not a "kid" anymore.... Probably late 30s by now!
Hands down, that is my favorite Christmas movie. "You'll shot your eye out, kid!"
I love A Chistmas Story. I also love It's A wonderful Life. The original Walton's The Homecoming, too.

Last year we bought the boxed sets of the movies we watched as kids with the little drummer boy, frosty the snowman, etc for our kids. We watched those more then they did.

I was planning to watch the Walton's The Homecoming movie as I sit here by the fire this afternoon.
It's a wonderfull life and Miracle on 34th St.

There was a time when I could not be ready for Christmas until I saw at least one of those! Of course I'm all grown up now, so it takes both to make me feel better about Christmas now.

A Christmas Story. DD and I watched it every year. One year for Christmas after she opened all her gifts, I said "what is that sticking out from behind the desk?" She went over, and unwrapped it and guess what it was?????? I think she was 18 at the time, LOL
White Christmas has to be my all time fav. I love to hear Bing Crosby Croon. The dancing is great and Sister's song is a classic for me. I just watched it again last nite.
My DH is a HUGE fan of Herb and Rex and the California Raisins. Are those the same folks? He can quote the whole Christmas special. Now I've got "Here We Go a-Waffling...." stuck in my head!!

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