Favorite/ Cutest Baby Chick behavior?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 24, 2014
I am brand new to chickens and just got my first batch of 8 laying hens about ten days ago. In that ten days I've learned a lot! No matter how many books you read there are some things you just don't know about until you actually have them.

I thought it was so cute when I first saw them stretch one leg, and the wing on the same side! Adorable!

Also, I have a brinsea ecobrooder, and one of my eight really likes to perch on the very top of either side, and then fly off of it.

Another chick perches up on top of the feeder a lot. Occasionally when they have really messed up their water, they all come over and drink all at once when I put their waterer with fresh water back in.

They are much more entertaining than I ever thought possible, and I often spend a full hour just sitting and watching them before I realize how much time has gone by and that there are other things I need to do!

A few (bad) pictures of them;

So anyhow, hoping other people will post about the cutest behavior of their chicks!
aww, that is so cute!
A friend of mine will get chicks every year and we will just go out and look at them for hours... It is an addiction!

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