Feather Pecking - Muscovy Ducks

AZ Heat

12 Years
Dec 27, 2008
My muscovy ducks (born on St Patrick's Day) are having a problem with feather picking. It's mostly one, but when I remove that one I see that another starts. Then when I remove that one there is another (there are 9 total). It is getting bad to the point of drawing blood at the tail and wing areas. I have let them out to free roam the backyard and it is still going on. They are fed a duck feed crumble and have plenty of water.

Does anyone have any suggestions?
Any suggestions at all? Or this this not a common problem?

If it was chickens I'd say they need protein, I've never had a problem with ducklings or ducks doing this, but I'd get some blue kote and spray it on the areas where they are picking it will disguise the raw parts and help to heal. and maybe get them something special like a head of lettuce hanging in their run or house mine love it and meal worms and peas, lots of peas, when you see them start to do this distract them by giving them something else to do. a nice swim with peas thrown into the water to dive at and eat, the lettuce to play with and eat. and of course the meal worms. try some of these things and see if it helps or stops the problem. Let us know.
Goslings will do this out of boredom. They grow out of it, but it's a pain until they do. Are they doing outside, or only inside? If inside you may want to give them more space to spread out in.
They're doing it inside and outside of their pen. I separated the two worst ones and it's improved a little. I put them back together after a couple days of being apart and it went right back to pecking so I separated them again. It's frustrating, for sure!
According to old faithful (Storey's Guide) this is more common in ducklings and usually a result of boredom. The book says at the first signs, check brooder temp, reduce light intensity with a blue or red bulb, make sure their diet is balanced and that they have enough feed available. Also provide green feed (grasses, lettuce, etc)
Good luck.
I have 10 muscovy ducks and have the same problem. I think one died from the stress. Tried separating them and still a problem. I have them on range. Any other suggestions?
I have 10 muscovy ducks and have the same problem. I think one died from the stress. Tried separating them and still a problem. I have them on range. Any other suggestions?
I have never had this in my Scovies, are you sure they are getting adequate protein? are you supplementing their ranging with feed also?
i've just had this problem too! first time in 2 years. i've incubated a batch, rasied them together and this particular batch just picks feathers. they have plenty of food & greens. frustrating!

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