Feather plucking, mites or illness. Pics included.


In the Brooder
Apr 27, 2016
Southern Indiana
Here is a picture of her balding head. It just keeps getting worse. I've been waiting to see new growth but nothing. She is the smallest of our 8 birds. They have ample room in the coop and run. I have checked her for mites during the day and cannot see anything. She is the only bird with this problem.


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Do you have a rooster? How big is the coop and run. It does look like plucking. Bottom hens need places to get away from other birds, hiding spots, and roosts where they can roost away from dominant birds at night.
Thank you for responding. No roosters. The coop is 10x4 and the run is almost 100sqft. Since you think it looks like feather plucking I think I'll put another waterer out. We had two,one inside and one outside the coop. It was leaking so we took it out to repair it, and we'll that project just kept getting pushed back. Im wondering if the timing of the plucking started when we went to only 1 waterer. We have about 12 feet roosting space. I think we will go out after dark and see where this bird typically roosts.

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